O Techno Parade “Rave the Planet” moves along Straße des 17. Juni. the organizers expected 300,000 people. In addition to Dr. According to the organizer, moths deposit more 200 DJs about. There are also 25 floats. Speeches are planned. According to organizers, the parade is intended to be a “peace building measure”.
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Police initially did not give information on how many people had gathered at the Brandenburg Gate for the start in blazing sunshine and high temperatures. O Station was closed for security reasons.. By 5 pm, police counted 130,000 participants from a helicopter. Gaps can still be seen between the trucks, a spokesman said. Organizers spoke of around 150,000 attendees.
Music is the answer, they say. © Portal/Fabrizio BenschWith temperatures well above 30 degrees, it was obviously too hot for some ravers. Police asked participants to leave their clothes. It was said on Twitter: “An order we didn’t even think we’d have to cancel: Please do not undress.“Participants complained. Organizers addressed revelers with similar words. Some women wore only a bra above or had no more than a thong around their waist.
The DLRG water rescue reported on twitterare in the Bundestag several people jumped into the Spree while marine traffic was running. Helpers are on site and escort people out of the water. According to the German Rescue Society, it is on duty in the city center until late at night.
A rather harmless incident occurred at an intersection: A truck hit a traffic light. Police climbers immediately straightened them.
Fifteen minutes before the official start, the square in front of Straße des 17. Juni slowly filled up. The back and forth around the event doesn’t seem to stop people from celebrating. The climate is exuberant. The rave is crowded, but not overcrowded.
Shortly before the planned start, the Berlin police gave the go-ahead for the event. “Today downtown belongs to the ravers‘ the agency said on Twitter on Saturday. The musical demonstration could start as planned at 2 pm at the Brandenburg Gate, a police spokeswoman said. Previously, the fire department and the police checked whether the organizer met all the required safety requirements.
Straße des 17. Juni was quickly full. © Portal/Fabrizio Bensch
The Spanish Christian organized queer parties at the KitKat Club. Today it is with your colleagues with a car. The day started nervous and excited, he says.
Mauren leads Torsten today on a metal chain outside of. The two internalized Berlin’s rave culture. “We’re really ready for good weather, nice people and good music,” says Mauren.
Lola is a DJ and organizer from Warsaw. When she learned two and a half years ago that the Love Parade would be happening again, it was clear to her: “It’s my biggest dream to have my own float.” She works for the events agency Instytue, which she describes as “Poland’s techno pioneers”. It is an honor to be here today. She will be playing on the neon green float at 7pm.
From the first car sounded political demands for example, for an unconditional basic income for artists. Like the legendary Berlin techno shows of the 1990s, the rave was booked as a demo. In addition to the message that electronic music should be recognized as intangible cultural heritage and that technoculture should benefit from funding, disarmament is also a key message from the organizers. “We’re about club culture, we’re about techno culture, and techno culture is peaceful,” said spokeswoman Ellen Dosch-Roeingh.
For Berlin Culture Senator Joe Chialo comes home with the techno chart “Rave The Planet” a piece of Berlin. “I celebrate music,” said the CDU politician at the start of the rave. A little later, he was dancing in the blue floral shirt on the organizers’ float – and thus linked to previous experiences.
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“I’m someone who participated in the Love Parades here in Berlin in the ’90s,” says Chialo. “I can tell you from experience how amazing it is and why it really is great.” With “Rave The Planet” he continues a tradition that shaped the capital. O Love Parade is an “Urberlinerisches event”, emphasized the senator during his speech. At the same time, he said: “Berlin is a city of diversity, not simplicity. We have no place here for anti-Semitism, racism and homophobia.”
There’s been a lot of confusion the last few days lack of contracts with medical services. The problem was also resolved thanks to donations received and the hiring of a private medical service, organizers said on Friday. dr mariposa e co. announced on Friday morning that a commercial medical service in techno parade take command. The contracts have already been signed. The organizers did not specify the name of the rescue service. He goes “Dear”but the event can start as planned.
On Saturday, vehicles from the company “Blauer Stern von Berlin” could be seen.
Also in view of the Disaster at the completely overcrowded Love Parade other organizers in Duisburg in 2010, the lack of contracts with medical services was particularly explosive. In Duisburg, 21 people died and more than 500 were injured.
On Saturday, however, all the requirements were fulfilled in Berlin from the point of view of the police and the fire brigade. “It made a fair impression on us,” said a spokesman for the fire department. About 270 people are on site as medical staffthe organizers spoke 240 helpers.
O Fire Department accompanies the parade with its own forces and coordinates emergency calls, the spokesman said. “With this time, we expect an increase in the number of operations anyway,” said the spokesman for the fire department. According to him, however, there was no increase in volume until the afternoon.
Timm Zeiss, managing director of “Rave The Planet”, estimates the financial outlay of the event about 170,000 euros. 40,000 euros were collected through fundraising, 50,000 euros came from equity. “The gap that has emerged will be bridged somehow,” says Zeiss.
dr moth, whose real name is Matthias Roeingh, welcomed ravers to the Großer Stern. “Our motto: Music is the answer. Good to see you!” During the event he complained of circulatory problems. Now it’s hard for him to really look forward to the event, he said.
The techno party follows in the footsteps of the legendary parade of love in dr moth move in the Tiergarten on Straße des 17. Juni between the Brandenburg Gate and the Großer Stern. About 1,000 police are on duty, the official said.
In addition to the police, the Berlin City Cleanup (BSR) for a mission. The BSR is expected to be deployed with 140 employees and 55 vehicles, she said. twitter with. About 135 cubic meters of rubbish were collected during last year’s parade. (with dpa)