1703371468 Podemos agrees to the expulsion of its only deputy in

Podemos agrees to the expulsion of its only deputy in Asturias

Podemos agrees to the expulsion of its only deputy in

The leadership of Podemos communicated this Saturday the proposal to expel its only deputy in the General Assembly of the Principality, Covadonga Tomé, as reported by the party concerned and sources from the party leadership confirmed to EL PAÍS. This is the decision of the head of the disciplinary file opened a few months ago before the Guarantee Commission against Tomé. An “informative only” suggestion, but to which there is no objection. Sources close to Tomé explain that this expulsion proposal should now be evaluated and, if necessary, ratified by the State Guarantee Commission.

The State Guarantee Commission of Podemos had already approved a few months ago the precautionary suspension of the party's Asturian deputies from militancy, considering that their actions damaged the party's image.

The exclusion decision announced this Saturday refers to several interviews and public statements in the media and social networks, which refer to “attacks on people, organs and decisions of the party” as well as “actions” that violate the statutes of Podemos or the facts of the case “not having made any compensation donations to the party”.

It is also proposed to exclude the members of Deputy Tomé's cooperation team, who were their numbers two and three in the regional candidacy of Podemos, Xune Elipe and Laura Tuero. It also proposes the expulsion of Jorge Fernández and the suspension of membership for another twenty members of the organization for nine months. According to those affected, this measure will prevent them from “appearing in the primary elections that begin next Tuesday.”

Tomé has asked the party's general secretary, Ione Belarra, and her number two, Irene Montero, to “take action” and suggested that “there is still time for primaries without vetoes and for the party to change course.”


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The party members in Asturias understand that behind this proposal and the sanctions are “disagreements with the state leadership and with the candidacy that it wanted to impose in Asturias at the time”. Another intention would be to prevent the formation of a list for the primaries in Podemos Asturies, which will take place next Tuesday and end on February 2nd. Tomé's team had shown its willingness to run in these primaries. And this morning, Tomé demanded that Belarra and Montero “take remedial action before the exclusion becomes final.” Tomé has expressed his belief that the expulsion process could be suspended to allow participation in the European and regional primaries.

Tomé himself recalled that they had been calling for these primaries for almost a year, “but they have not been called despite the interim situation of the General Coordinator in Asturias”. And he insists that the interim coordinator, who is now head of the management company, “was not elected through any democratic process”.

According to those responsible for Podemos in Asturias, the aim of the state leadership with these expulsion acts is to “create the greatest possible break in order to distance itself from the upcoming primary processes”, both for the leadership of the party in the Principality and for the European elections, ” to all the people who were able to stand up to them.” They demand: “A transparent, democratic and respectful pre-election process with the free right of participation for everyone” and compare the “lack of internal democracy in Sumar” denounced by Podemos with that of Belarra led leadership now carries out these expulsions “in order to have all areas under their absolute control”. And they warn: “The mere possibility that we present an alternative list to the Madrid list has accelerated the decisions already two days after the deadline for submitting allegations, which probably no one has read since they are not even answered in the communication .” letter. of expulsion.”