Pointless Scenes ilGiornaleit

Pointless Scenes ilGiornale.it

Once upon a time, when politics was serious, alliances, coalitions, ruling majorities were based on a program that devoted the first 45 pages to foreign policy. Back when the world was divided between the Atlantic Alliance and the Warsaw Pact, everything was simpler, there was little choice. But without genuine sharing of international issues, no alliance, no government, was born. The first to remember it should be the current Secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, a son of that time. Instead, he seems forgetful, considering that in this historical period where politics has become folklore, coalitions are formed purely out of electoral interests. And the first to have this defect is his own. Or rather, the one he wants to build himself.

The case is visible to all: Giuseppe Conte, former Prime Minister and privileged interlocutor of the Democratic Party, on a sensitive issue such as increasing military spending by 2%, a commitment to NATO, does not hear us, does not want to stay there (at least in words). However, Letta himself is most convinced of the need to uphold the pacts. Firstly, because strengthening our armed forces can be a viaticum to finally build a European army. Second, to maintain strong ties with NATO and the United States. Finally, to be a credible interlocutor in the negotiation phase of the Ukraine conflict.

In the end, the majority will not split on the matter because Mario Draghi opted for a vote of confidence. But that’s the usual patchwork solution, leading to a paradox the size of a house: the government has indeed decided to implement Meloni’s agenda, which backs a 2% increase in military spending, a decision that remains hard by denied the grillini. In fact, this shows that the government has more affinity with the opposition than with part of the majority when it comes to foreign policy. A contradiction that borders on the absurd, to the point where yesterday Draghi was urged to go up to the Quirinale.

Then of course when it comes to the 5 stars there is nothing serious. This is how the Grillini will outline the vote of confidence: Conte’s threats are more as I wrote a fart. And Draghi will have no problems. Letta, on the other hand, will have problems when he has to found his alliance the yellowred which does not even agree on international issues, which is flowing water on all sides, he would have to manage the war if he had breathed life into a tragic comedy. The absurd thing is that in recent weeks the left has been scrutinizing the “Putinians of the Northern League and the splits in the centreright. But then, when the facts are examined, this lineup has proved closed, even if one side is in government and the other in opposition, while the Giallorossi, who are all in the majority, are not. A signal that must be carefully evaluated, as foreign policy will be fundamental in the years to come. And to really count internationally, you need credibility. The one that Conte unfortunately doesn’t have.