Police Chief Says Kayky Brito ‘Almost Was Run Over’ Before Accident Splash

Collaboration for Splash from São Paulo

Sep 4, 2023 8:51 p.m. Updated on Sep 4, 2023 9:28 p.m

Kayky Brito was almost hit by another car before the accident. Delegate Ângelo Lages from the 16th DP (Barra da Tijuca) confirmed the information Squirt.

In a statement, the delegate in charge of investigating the case said: “He was almost run over while walking to his car.”

The first car could have braked before hitting him, which was not the case the second time.

What happened?

Kayky Brito was run over on Avenida Lúcio Costa, in Barra da Tijuca, West Zone of Rio, on Saturday (2). and remains sedated and intubated.

Kayky had polytrauma. The medical bulletin from the Copa D’Or Hospital in Rio de Janeiro states that the actor underwent surgery Fixation of fractures of the pelvis and right upper extremity.

The facility said the procedure was “successful”.

Splash found that the driver, identified as Diones da Silva, claimed the actor appeared “suddenly running” in the middle of the road.

He tried to avoid the collision, but was unable to avoid the collision. The drunk test showed that the driver was not drunk.

This Monday (4) the passenger denied that the driver was driving too fast when he hit the celebrity.