Bruno de Luca gives statement about accident with Kayky Brito
The actor Bruno de Luca told the police that he saw the collision on Avenida Lúcio Costa in Barra da Tijuca in the early hours of Saturday (2) but only learned the following day that the victim was Kayky Brito act. He said he traveled to São Paulo to attend the city festival and tried to talk to his friend. That’s when I found out he was hospitalized in serious condition and returned to Rio.
Pictures show the moment Bruno puts his hands on his head in despair after seeing the accident (see below).
The video shows the moment Bruno de Luca sees a car being run over on the outskirts of Barra
Summary of Bruno de Lucas’ statement:
- said he saw a car get hit but didn’t find out the person hit was Kayky Brito until the next day after speaking to his sister, actress Sthefany Brito;
- The two were at Bruno’s house talking about a play they wanted to perform together and decided to go to a kiosk for a drink around 10 p.m.
- They drove in Bruno’s car, which was parked in front of the kiosk on the other side of the road on Av. Lúcio Costa was parked and they returned in the car because they wanted to drink;
- that Kayky said goodbye before midnight and turned around and that he didn’t know what he wanted to do in the car;
- heard an impact sound but not the braking sound;
- who saw a person thrown into the air, who put his hand on his head and despaired because he was “afraid of accidents”;
- states that Kayky did not appear to be drunk;
- After the accident, Bruno went home and left his car there. He doesn’t know how he got home.
- and that he himself messaged Kayky to comment on the accident because he thought he had seen it too.
1 of 4 Bruno de Luca after his statement in the 16th DP — Photo: Rafael Nascimento/g1 Bruno de Luca after his statement in the 16th DP — Photo: Rafael Nascimento/g1
Bruno was heard as a witness in the case this Wednesday (6) at the 16th DP (Barra da Tijuca). He said he thought Kayky had left before the accident and that he could not remember how he left Avenida Lúcio Costa, where the two were at a kiosk.
De Luca said the two were at his house and decided to leave. They took his car and went to a “randomly selected” waterfront kiosk. And they decided to leave the vehicle parked and take an Uber back home because they wanted to drink. The actor denies that two of them used drugs.
He said the two said goodbye and he turned his back on him. The actor also said that he doesn’t know what Kayky did with his car and mentioned that he has trauma from an accident.
Upon his arrival at the Barra police station, the actor, who was accompanied by his wife Sthéfany Vidal, spoke briefly to the press.
“I am recovering. I will make my statement and then speak to you. Thank you for your prayers,” he said.
Bruno de Luca arrives to testify at the Rio police station
“I went to pay the bill and this happened”
After the testimony, which lasted just over an hour, the actor spoke to journalists about the case.
2 of 4 Bruno de Luca — Photo: Rafael Nascimento/G1 Bruno de Luca — Photo: Rafael Nascimento/G1
“I can’t bear to see these pictures anymore. [ do atropelamento]. I just want him to recover soon,” he said, thanking him again for the messages of solidarity he is receiving.
The actor also said he was “traumatized.”
“It was very peaceful. I feel more relieved even though I’m traumatized. It was the worst thing that happened in my life. I’m very afraid. Kayky is my best friend and we wrote a play together and had fun doing it. After I paid the bill, this happened. I’m just happy with the messages I received and will forward to him. It was very difficult for me,” he said.
After the accident, Bruno de Luca posted “requesting a prayer beads” for his friend.
3 of 4 Bruno de Luca posted that he was very shocked and asked for a prayer beads for Kayky Brito Photo: Reproduction Bruno de Luca posted that he was very shocked and asked for a prayer beads for Kayky Brito Photo: Reproduction
In addition to Bruno de Luca, the police also questioned the employee of the kiosk where the two actors were. Edivan Martins said the scene of the accident was intense and he was unable to work the next day: “It was very sad.”
4 of 4 Bruno de Luca and his wife Sthefany Vidal — Photo: Rafael Nascimento/g1 Bruno de Luca and his wife Sthefany Vidal — Photo: Rafael Nascimento/g1
The latest bulletin published on Wednesday afternoon (6) indicated that Kayky “showed signs of evolutionary improvement.” He is recovering from surgical procedures carried out on Monday (4). His health condition is serious.
The driver rendered assistance after the accident and called an ambulance. The examination carried out at the Forensic Medicine Institute revealed no traces of alcohol in the driver’s blood.
Surveillance camera recorded accident involving actor Kayky Brito
Surveillance camera recorded accident involving actor Kayky Brito