The newly founded liberation movement (Gibanje Svoboda) won a landslide victory in Slovenian parliamentary elections. At least that’s what a post-election poll published by the TV channel RTV Slovenija shows the night after the elections ended. According to this, the movement of former top manager Robert Golob reached almost 36% of the votes.
According to the poll, Prime Minister Janez Jansa’s populist Democratic Party (SDS) came in second with less than 23%. If the post-election poll is confirmed by the count, Jansa would have missed her goal of a fourth term.
Four years ago, his SDS clearly became the strongest force, but it was initially held out of power by a left-liberal coalition. He only made a comeback in early 2020. Since then, he has polarized the media and the judiciary, which is why his opponents stylized and mobilized the election as the fateful decision for Slovenian democracy. In fact, voter turnout was significantly higher this year than it was in 2018.