Poll shows 83 of Ukrainians want country to join NATO

Poll shows 83% of Ukrainians want country to join NATO

An opinion poll conducted in Kyiv, Ukraine this Monday (3) revealed a record 83% of Ukrainians who want the country to join NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

The poll, conducted between Saturday (1) and Sunday (2) by the Rating Group among 2,000 respondents, was conducted after President Volodmyr Zelenskyy announced on Friday (30) that Ukraine had submitted an accelerated application for NATO membership.

The rating group said the percentage of those who support NATO membership is the highest ever recorded by a poll in Ukraine. Only 4% said they would vote against joining the bloc and 9% said they would not.

In November, 55% expressed support for joining the bloc, showing how dramatically public opinion on the NATO issue has changed since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Russia has for years vehemently opposed expansion of the alliance, which it sees as hostile and a threat to the country’s security. The new poll showed support for NATO membership up 7 percentage points since June.