Pope clarifies Blessings for homosexuals not for The Press

Pope clarifies: Blessings for homosexuals not for… The Press

Pope Francis essentially allowed Catholic priests to bless “irregular couples and same-sex couples.” This is causing a stir in the Catholic Church.

The heated debate over new guidelines for blessing same-sex couples in the Catholic Church has prompted Pope Francis to speak in person. The pontiff made clear on Friday that he did not want his controversial permission to bless to be understood as a recognition of homosexual partnerships per se.

“When a couple comes spontaneously to ask for the blessing, it is not the union that is blessed, but simply the people who asked for it together,” the church leader said at an audience at the Vatican.

Just before Christmas, Francis essentially allowed Catholic priests to give their blessing to “irregular couples and same-sex couples.” However, only under strict conditions, as already indicated in the “Fiducia Supplicans” statement (approximately: “Pleading for Confidence”).

The Vatican had to publish precise regulations

There appears to be great excitement in the universal church at the then-surprising permission to bless same-sex couples. Just a few weeks ago, the Vatican Office for the Doctrine of the Faith was forced to clarify the exact provisions. One document emphasizes that such blessings should in no way be equated with a church blessing on a marriage between a woman and a man. The authority stresses that local churches have leeway in how the guidelines are applied. (APA/dpa)

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