Pope Francis announces funeral mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Pope Francis announces funeral mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI preside – vaticannews.va

The Press Office of the Holy See is releasing details of the Requiem Mass that Pope Francis celebrated on Thursday to rest the soul of the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. will preside.

By Devin Watkins

The Vatican has approved the rite for the requiem mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. published, which will be celebrated on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Roman time.

The booklet accompanying the Mass is largely based on the rite of a pope’s Christian funeral, with some modifications.

Matteo Bruni, the director of the Holy See’s press office, told reporters Tuesday that some parts have been added while others more relevant to the death of a sitting pope have been taken out.

As an example, he said the supplications for the Diocese of Rome and the Oriental Churches had been removed.

liturgical readings

Pope Francis will preside over the requiem mass, preach the homily and celebrate the rites of Commendatio and Valedictio (Last Commendation and Farewell).

The gospel passage for the liturgy comes from Luke (23:39-46), where Jesus, hanging on the cross, tells one of those condemned with him that he will be with him in paradise.

Jesus’ last words – “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” – are also reproduced in the passage.

These words are the last words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. not unlike: “Jesus, I love you.”

burial details

Mr Bruni also gave details of the items that will be placed in the cypress coffin with the late Pope Emeritus.

These include the episcopal pallia—the pallium symbolizing a prelate’s ecclesiastical jurisdiction and his special relationship with the pope—as well as the commemorative coins and medals minted during his papacy, and the charter (“rogito” in Italian), which is a written descriptive text Pontificate sealed in a metal cylinder.

At the end of the requiem mass, the remains of the Pope Emeritus are taken to the grottoes beneath St. Peter’s Basilica, where his coffin is placed in a zinc coffin, which in turn is placed in a wooden box.

Benedict XVI is buried according to his will in the tomb where John Paul II was buried before his beatification.

Farewell to Benedict XVI: Thousands pay their respects in St. Peter's Basilica

The body of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI lies ahead of his funeral on Thursday. in St. Peter’s Basilica, where the faithful pay their last respects and their …

lying in state

The late Pope Emeritus remains in St. Peter’s Basilica, where the faithful can pay their respects on Wednesday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

In the late afternoon, according to a specific rite, his body is placed in the cypress coffin.

As of Tuesday morning, over 100,000 pilgrims had made their way through the basilica.

The Dicastery of Communications, with the support of the Knights of Columbus, is providing media facilities and audio-video connections to facilitate worldwide broadcasting of the requiem mass for the late Benedict XVI.