Pope Francis broadcast message for World Literacy Day

Pope Francis broadcast message for World Literacy Day

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Vatican City Pope Francis today sent a message to Audrey Azoulay, Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), on the occasion of International Literacy Day.

In the letter signed by the Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, a greeting is addressed to the participants of the world conference that will be held on the occasion of this date at the Unesco headquarters in Paris, where the “central and original” world conference will take place “role”, the teachings and Learning to play in the development of every person.

Francisco expresses his “closeness to those who participate in various initiatives at regional, national and local levels around the world” to celebrate this day and on the theme proposed this year “Promoting literacy for a changing world “To think: Create the foundations of a sustainable and peaceful economy.”

The document published by the Vatican press office states: “The Holy See particularly appreciates the commitment of UNESCO to literacy, which, while responding to economic and practical needs, has as its fundamental aim the promotion and development of man according to his personal, social and spiritual calling.”

“Estimates of the number of people without basic literacy skills remain alarming and represent a barrier to the full realization of their potential,” the Pope warned, adding: “Our world needs the skills and contribution of every individual, in order to better cope with the challenges of our time.” Time.”

Among these challenges, the Bishop of Rome highlights literacy for peace, because “in a world torn by conflict and tension, it is important not to get used to the vocabulary of war and discord”.

Second, it refers to literacy in the age of the digital revolution, given advances in artificial intelligence that are “rapidly expanding our access to information and our ability to connect with one another beyond physical space.”

The third challenge is that of literacy in integral ecology, since “the destruction of nature is closely linked to the culture of waste that characterizes human coexistence today” and addresses the need for “a truly sustainable quality of life on a political and economic level level”. ”

This will benefit “all the peoples of the earth and especially those who find themselves in the most disadvantaged sectors and in situations of risk,” says the message for this day, on which the Pope’s best wishes for the success of the “commitment” be expressed for literacy”.

(Source: Prensa Latina)

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