1647974996 Pope Francis calls Selenskyj The Pentagon Moscow in trouble

Pope Francis calls Selenskyj. The Pentagon: Moscow in trouble

Mykolaiv Psychiatric Hospital of Russia bombed, evacuated patients Ukraine Mykolaiv Psychiatric Hospital of Russia bombed, evacuated patients War Ukraine Russia (Mykolaiv  20220322, Carlo Cozzoli) ps the photo can be used in relation to the context in which it was taken , and without the defamatory intent of the decency of the persons represented

Mykolaiv Psychiatric Hospital bombed by Russia, evacuated patients Ukraine Mykolaiv Psychiatric Hospital bombed by Russia, evacuated patients War Ukraine Russia (Mykolaiv 20220322, Carlo Cozzoli) ps the photo can be used in relation to the context in which it was taken , and without the defamatory intent of the decency of the persons represented (Mykolaiv 20220322, Carlo Cozzoli) Fotogramma

Stop a war that “leads nowhere,” that is “unwinnable,” that is “morally unacceptable, politically unacceptable, and militarily meaningless.” These are the words of United Nations SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres. “Even if Mariupol falls he said Ukraine cannot be conquered city by city, street by street“The people of Ukraine” live in hell. “And the war” threatens to trigger a global food crisis. “It is time to stop this absurd war,” Guterres said, and to begin peace negotiations.

morning The Assembly’s emergency session will continue at the UN Headquarters (at 15:00 Italian time). requested by 22 countries, including Italy. Italy is also among the 21 countries that contributed to the drafting of the resolution we will vote on Thursday: the aim is to beat the 141 votes that will get the resolution adopted on March 2 against the Russian invasion of Ukraine Has.

The Pope called Zelensky

Pope Francis called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy this morning, who invited him to visit Ukraine. This was announced by the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Holy See Andryi Yurash. “New visible gesture of support from Pope Francis,” tweeted the diplomat, “a few minutes ago the Holy Father called President Zelenskyy and had a very promising interview. The Pope said he is praying and doing everything possible for the end of the war. Zelensky reiterated that His Holiness is the most awaited guest in Ukraine”. Zelensky himself in his video message to the Italian Parliament confirmed the conversation with Pope Francis, adding that he had “given him the difficult humanitarian situation and the closure of the rescue corridors Russian troops. In a tweet, the Ukrainian President concluded: “The Holy See’s mediating role in ending human suffering would be welcomed. The Holy See confirmed the call.

The Ukrainians recapture Makariv. “Shooting at civilians in the supermarket line”

On the 27th day of the war, new ones are registered Russian bombing of Ukrainian cities and significant stalemate on the ground, with Kyiv announcing military successes and warning that the supply lines of the Russian troops are very fragile. From Severodonetsk in the Luhansk region comes the news (not verifiable by an independent source) that The Russians reportedly fired at people queuing at a supermarket, leaving people dead and injured. The head of the regional military administration, Serhiy Haidai, reports on Facebook: “Repeat of the case in the supermarket in Kharkiv. The squatters are targeting a shop in Severodonetsk. We have dead and wounded, we are checking how many. In the same town, a children’s hospital was reportedly hit; The roof of the hospital caught fire, the rescue service explains, adding that 7 children and 15 adults were evacuated.

A government spokesman, Oleg Nikolenko, sounded the alarm for civilians in Kherson on Twitter: “The 300,000 inhabitants of Kherson are facing a humanitarian catastrophe due to the blockade by the Russian army. Food and medical supplies are almost gone.yet Russia refuses to open humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians. Russia’s barbaric tactics must be stopped before it’s too late!.

In the meantime, the Ukrainian General Staff has announced this Retake of Makariv, 60 km west of Kyiv. A Russian jet was also shot down yesterday, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who in a video uploaded to Telegram in the early hours of the morning pounded on the pilots of Moscow’s warplanes: “You certainly have emptiness instead of heart, al instead of soul, instead of all that what makes a person what it is, he said.

The Ukrainian army also speaks of 14 destroyed Russian tanks, along with other military vehicles. However, the land corridor with Crimea and access to the Sea of ​​Azov remain in Russian handsshow the same sources in a recent report from the area. But the supplies of the Russian troops will be exhausted “in three days”.according to the same document.

To enable the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol, 3 humanitarian corridors should be opened today. Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk said by telegram that three “routes” will work, all leading to the city of Zaporizhia, and that 21 buses and trucks with humanitarian aid left Zaporizhia for Mariupol.

According to the Pentagon spokesman, the Ukrainian army is conducting counteroffensives that have made it possible, especially in the south, to catch up with Russian troops who are facing communication difficulties. John Kirby added that the Ukrainian army “is now on the offensive in certain situations” and “is chasing the Russians and driving them out of the areas where the Russians were in the past”. “We know that they have been conducting counterattacks in Mykolayiv, especially in the last few days,” he added, “we’ve seen these territorial gains increase in the last few days, it’s a real test of their ability to fight, plans, adjustments and.” renewed attempt to repel the Russian forces”.
The Ukrainian military also launched a counterattack in Izium, a small town southeast of Kharkiv, which Russian forces had captured to link up with the proRussian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk, a senior Pentagon official said.

Kyiv: 10 hospitals destroyed, 548 schools hit. “2,389 children kidnapped in the east”

This was stated by the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko ten hospitals were completely destroyed by bombingthe. “The enemy has already bombed 139 hospitals, medical care can no longer be guaranteed there and these facilities have to be rebuilt from scratch. This will be a new building, which will hopefully start as soon as possible, said Lyashko. Other hospitals could not be supplied with medicines and other supplies due to the fighting nearby, he added.

The rector of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, one of the largest in Ukraine, reports that “a total of 548 state institutions were hit, about 30 university institutions and 72 were completely destroyed.” “These are not military targets, these are civilians, they concern the children and their future. Please stop this war, is his heartfelt appeal through AdnKronos.

Also according to the Kiev government 2,389 children have been “kidnapped” or “illegally removed” from the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk since the beginning of the conflict in the east. The State Department and the American Embassy denounce this. According to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Russian forces illegally transferred 2,389 Ukrainian children from Donetsk and Luhanks oblasts to Russia. That’s no help. It’s a kidnapping,” the Washington Embassy in Kyiv said on Twitter.

The Russian invasion, according to UN data, caused at least 925 civilian deaths. A figure that will soon be revised upwards, supports the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR). According to the update 3,532,756 people fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion began on February 24th.

The European Commission has announced it will provide an additional 3 billion in aid to states hosting Ukrainian refugees.

A satellite image dated March 19 shows burning buildings in Mariupol

A satellite image dated March 19 shows burning buildings in Mariupol © 2022 Maxar Technologies / Handout via REUTERS

Biden: Putin is evaluating chemical and biological weapons. Hypersonic missiles used

Meanwhile, the fear of chemical and biological weapons: Russian claims that Kyiv has such weapons are “false” and a “clear signal” that Vladimir Putin “is considering using both” in the war, US President Joe Biden said. Indeed, his Russian counterpart has “his back against the wall and “is preparing new false flag operations, according to the US leader.

Biden later confirmed that Russia was also using it hypersonic missiles in the bombing of Ukraine. But “with the same warheads used on the other missiles, they don’t make much of a difference, other than the fact that they’re almost impossible to intercept,” stressed the US President. British intelligence agrees. “It is very unlikely that the deployment of Kinzhal hypersonic missiles will materially affect the outcome of the Russian campaign in Ukraine,” said Mick Smeath, Deputy Marshal of the Royal Air Force (RAF), British Military Defense Attaché. Smeath then argues that it is “very likely that Russian claims of using Kinzhal are intended to downplay Moscow’s lack of progress on the land campaign”.


On the international front Criticism of India comes from Biden over its “shaky” response to the invasion Of Ukraine. And even Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in a meeting with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi, urged New Delhi to take a firmer stance on Moscow, declaring that the world must condemn Russia for its “brutal war against its neighboring sovereign country”.

from the nuclear power plant Chernobyl Meanwhile, news is coming in that all the technicians who have been stuck at the plant and have had to continue working without interruption since the Russian troops entered on February 24 have been given permission to leave the premises: they have been replaced by fellow Ukrainians and Ukrainian guards have remained on duty at the plant, the Kiev authorities told the International Atomic Energy Agency (AIEA).