Pope Francis conservatives in fibrillation for fear of electing a

Pope Francis, conservatives in fibrillation for fear of electing a young progressive bishop

Vatican City – Some say he is a brilliant, modern and courageous theologian. He, on the other hand, warns the Pope: “That would be devastating for the Church”. When evaluating the former top candidate for the Holy Office, the young German bishop of Hildesheim, Heiner Wilmer, there seems to be no half-measures.

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The last cardinal in chronological order to have stepped behind the scenes with great care and caution to alert Pope Francis that in this crucial role – at the head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith – perhaps a guarantor figure would be in demand was the Dean of College of Cardinals, Giovanni Battista Re. Strengthened by his vast experience and quite worried about the possible consequences, he seems to have expressed his doubts. However, his opinion is just one of many gathered by Santa Marta at this historic moment, since the Pope will soon have to resolve the reservation on who should head the Dicastery to replace Cardinal Ladaria, who is leaving the age frontier.

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It seems from many quarters that the search for long and proven theological experience, the ability to maintain dialogue while avoiding traumatic tears of teaching have been suggested as criteria for the selection of the future prefect. The fears spreading in various ultras circles have even led to the publication of a letter on the internet urging the pope to drop the name of the young and talented German bishop, who is one of the most ardent supporters of reform, which would inevitably clash with the doctrine of the Church, leading to further landslides and internal rifts.

For over a month, the conservative front has been seething after the hypothesis that Francis has a ready promotion for Heiner Wilmer, one of the most progressive in a progressive-dominated episcopate, gains traction. The theologian Eugen Drewermann – already suspended by the Vatican for his theses until he leaves the church divinis – sees him as an authentic outsider and his favorite dolphin.

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For five years at the head of the Diocese of Hildesheim, however, Wilmer, 61, a Dehonian religious and former Superior General of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, has shown great courage in several situations. For example, when he did not hesitate to rail against the “ban on meetings” at the height of the Covid epidemic and government restrictions that prevented church attendance in Germany. He has also sharply criticized the Vatican’s approach to protecting the system, he has stated on several occasions that abuse of power is in the DNA of the Church, he is a staunch supporter of environmental and environmental policies. In an interview, he even expressed his admiration for the work of Roberto Saviano in the fight against organized crime.

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Certainly his outspoken views on the female priesthood or the abolition of celibacy do not lull that large and large segment of the decidedly more traditionalist church, which would wish for a less radical and more open-minded theologian at the head of the former saint’s office. Concerns have reached the point that the more conservative fringe groups are writing a letter to be circulated on the internet. The website Messainlatino.org has issued an appeal to the pope and the cardinals of the College of Cardinals, expressing their concerns about Wilmer’s candidacy. “That would just be catastrophic. We write to you with all our hearts so that such a catastrophe for the Church may be avoided.”