No sooner had social media fully recovered from the equally spectacular and fake images of Donald Trump’s arrest, attention was already turning to a new topic of discussion: the luxury coats by Pope Francis. But even in this case there is very little truth to it. Or rather: There is absolutely nothing. The images of the Pope wrapped in a long winter jacket are nothing more than a creation of Occasionally, an AI-based image generator. As in all previous cases, the images of Pope Francis also misled many Twitter users who took them for real. “I thought the Pope’s duvet was real and didn’t think twice. I don’t see how I’m going to survive the technological future,” jokes American model Chrissy Teigen Twitter. Images of the Pope’s “parade” through the streets of Rome vary. Some even depict Pope Francis with a pair of stark white Air Max. And in the wake of the virality, the photos landed straight in the hands of Italian and international meme sites, who immediately poked fun at the Pope’s new look.
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