That openings out of Pope Francis there have been many against homosexuals in the nine years of the pontificate. Highly meaningful words that helped tip the pair’s rigid perspective condemnation until hierarchiesboth from gay people and from their families who have often heard discriminated against from the church. That given to the Jesuit brother Father JAmes Martinalways at the top of the protection of rights of gay people, is in fact just the latest of the openings of Bergoglio. To the LGBT Catholics The Pope asked that the rejection of some people in the Church not be understood as affecting the whole institution: “I would like them to recognize it not as ‘rejection of the Church’ but as ‘people in the Church’. “. Tracing back the parable of the guests of the feast mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (“The righteous, the sinners, the rich and the poor, etc.”) Bergoglio explained: “A “Selective” Churchof ‘pure blood’, is not Holy Mother Church, but one Sect”.
“I prefer – Francesco had previously explained – people homosexuals they come to confession, that they remain close to the Lord, that we can pray together. You can advise them to pray, be of good will, show them the way, accompany them”. We also return to the spoken words on the return flight Rio de Janeiro after his first trip abroad: “I said at the time: If a person is gay, he seeks the Lord and has him good will, who am I to judge them? I had paraphrased the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which explains that these people should be treated with tenderness and they must not be excluded. First of all, I think it’s good that we’re talking about homosexual people: First of all, there’s the human being, in his wholeness and dignity. And the person is not only defined by their sexual inclination: let us not forget that we are all creatures loved by God, recipients of his infinite love.
Bergoglio has also repeated in the past that “homosexual people are the To the right be in one family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be kicked out or made unhappy. What we need to create is a law about it civil associations. This means they are legally protected. I fought for it, ”he explained in a documentary by the Russian director Evgeny Afineevsky. Meaningful words also to Juan Carlos Cruz, Chilean victim of pedophilia Father Fernando Karadima, appointed by Bergoglio to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. “When I met Pope Francis – said Cruz – he told me how much he was forgiveness for what happened: “Juan, God made you gay and he still loves you. God loves you and the Pope loves you too'”. Statements similar to those that Francis always addressed parents of homosexuals: “The Pope loves your children as they are, because they are children of god. The Church does not exclude them because she loves them deeply”.
In his Apostolic Exhortation Christus vivit, Bergoglio wrote that “young people realize that the body and sexuality are essential to their life and development identity. But in a world that only emphasizes that sexuality, it is difficult to maintain a good relationship with one’s body and live affective relationships peacefully. For this and other reasons, the sexual morality it is often the cause of misunderstanding and from distance from the church, since it is perceived as a space of judgement and from condemnation. At the same time, young people express an explicit desire for discussion on questions of the difference between male and female identity, reciprocity between men and women, homosexuality. A position that, even if it leaves unchanged Teach of the Church on this issue along with many others eloquent interventions of the Pope to another pastoral attitudeacceptance and not rejection.