1686174510 Pope Francis underwent surgery quotwithout complicationsquot an abdominal hernia Franceinfo

Pope Francis underwent surgery "without complications" an abdominal hernia Franceinfo

The Vatican announced that the hearings of the Argentine Jesuit had been canceled until June 18 “as a precautionary measure”.

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Published on 07.06.2023 19:46

Reading time: 1 min

Pope Francis, June 7, 2023 at the Vatican.  (ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP)

Pope Francis, June 7, 2023 at the Vatican. (ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP)

Pope Francis, 86, underwent surgery under general anesthesia on Wednesday, June 7 “without complications” in Rome, Italy, for a abdominal fracture. “The operation is finished: it went without complications and lasted three hours,” the press service of the Holy See said in a brief statement on Telegram, without giving any further details.

“As a precaution”, the hearings of the Argentine Jesuit were canceled until June 18, because according to the Vatican this procedure would lead to hospital stays “several days”. After the operation, the exercise of his office will be resumed, “even if this is done from the hospital bed,” assured the Secretary of State and N.2 of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. “In the case of urgent files, they will be taken to him at Gemelli Hospital.”

After leading the general audience in St. Peter’s Square, as he does every week, and welcoming the faithful aboard his “popemobile,” the pope was taken under police escort late Wednesday morning to the Gemelli hospital in north-west Italy’s capital. This surgical procedure, consisting of a laparotomy (abdominal incision) and the insertion of a prosthesis, follows a first colon operation in July 2021, after which the Bishop of Rome was hospitalized for ten days.

François suffers from hip and knee problems and is regularly forced to cut his schedule due to health issues, fueling concern and speculation.

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