Porn video with his wife the principal in Wisconsin who

Porn video with his wife, the principal in Wisconsin who was fired Latest hour

The president of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse was fired over porn videos he made with his wife. A decision that the couple does not accept: Joe Gow and Carmen Wilson, who support the First Amendment to the Constitution, criticize the university's decision, calling it a senseless “punishment” because the videos showed a married couple and did not involve violence incited exploitation.

The Wisconsin University Board of Trustees voted unanimously to remove Gow, president since 2007. “We are disturbed and outraged by his actions,” the board said in a statement, without specifically mentioning the videos. However, many students demonstrated their solidarity online and on campus with Gow, who is considered one of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse's top presidents and professors. Narcissist.”

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