Portrait Agnes Ottrubay as a helping angel BVZat

Portrait Agnes Ottrubay as a helping angel BVZ.at

Agnes Ottrubay was born in Budapest in 1960. Hungary was dominated by communism at that time. At that time, most people in this country were unfamiliar with social involvement and helping others. But Agnes Ottrubay was lucky enough to grow up in a family where charity was taken for granted and it continues to shape her life to this day.

Agnes Ottrubay studied at the University of Education and then at the University of Economics. During this training period, she worked as a tour guide and organizer for the second largest Hungarian tour operator. She followed a business university course focusing on “tourism”, which qualified her to teach at secondary school. Agnes Ottrubay has lived in Eisenstadt for 22 years and supports numerous projects.

From the “Clube da Roda Interior”…

Agnes Ottrubay still spends a lot of time in Hungary, as she is also very committed to helping disadvantaged people in this country. Her “baby” is the “Inner Wheel Club”, founded in 1997, of which she is the founding president. Children affected by a disability or in need receive various assistance measures. For example, guide dogs for the blind are organized, in-kind donations are collected and libraries are created.

… and the “Aufbruch” association…

In 2015, the head of the children's ward at Eisenstadt Hospital, Primarius Hans-Peter Wagentristl, founded the association “Aufbruch”. Like almost no other socially committed doctor, he and other Burgenlanders support children and young people in need in Eastern Europe, because there is extreme poverty just a few kilometers from us. The “Aufbruch” association focuses on education, medical care and social assistance. Agnes Ottrubay is a board member here.

… and of course “Pink Ribbon”…

Agnes Ottrubay Pink Ribbon has been an ambassador for Krebshilfe Burgenland since 2021. Pink Ribbon stands for prevention, hope and solidarity in the case of breast cancer and aims to give strength and courage to those affected. She has been the patron of the Pink Ribbon Gala Night at Esterhazy Palace for 12 years.

… to “Visfontis”: endless charity

The sponsor's most recent “children's” and social project is the “Visfontis” association, founded in 2015. Its aim is to support organizations in Central and Eastern Europe to give healthy children, socially disadvantaged due to their origins, the opportunity for a better future. Education is the top priority and the only way out of poverty. That's why people invest in them in Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, but also in Austria. “Leisure activities are also important”, Agnes Ottrubay is convinced. “How are children going to learn to behave if they don’t know the appropriate environment? That's why we organize trips to cinemas, museums and organize summer camps. No one can ever take these experiences away from children again.” You can only help where helping is permitted. That is why educational work is also a very important task. Especially in the Roma villages of Eastern Europe, parents first have to be convinced to give their children an education. “Visfontis” is a very special project close to the Eisenstadt native's heart, in which she invests a lot of time and energy. That's why she is grateful for the great support from Burgenland society.

The world needs more people like Agnes Ottrubay and Hans-Peter Wagentristl, who do their utmost to ensure that disadvantaged children have a better life, who help where help is needed and don't simply look away. A big thank you for this!