Portugal Prime Minister Antonio Costa has resigned

Portugal, Prime Minister António Costa has resigned

LISBON – The Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa He submitted his resignation from office to the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Costa, in a live message to national television, confirmed the news that broke today about the existence of a criminal investigation into his account, saying he was “confident that justice is working” and was available to clarify any suspicions regarding his operation.

In the morning, the Prime Minister’s apartment was searched as part of an investigation launched by the Public Prosecutor’s Office into a fraud case in the hydrogen and lithium sectors. Searches also took place at the offices of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. And they led to several arrests, including that of Costa’s chief of staff, Vitor Escaria.

The investigation would concern lithium mining projects in Montalegre, northern Portugal, due to the Portuguese government’s alleged favorable treatment of various companies in the sector.

“Being prime minister is not compatible with any doubts about my integrity,” Costa said on live television. “Under these circumstances, I have submitted my resignation to the President of the Republic.” Now it is up to the head of state to decide whether to accept it. “The future will depend on the president’s decisions,” added Costa, one of the few socialists to head a European government.

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