Poverty Bosnian woman hasn39t eaten anything in eight days Kosmoat

Poverty: Bosnian woman hasn't eaten anything in eight days Kosmo.at

Poverty Bosnian woman hasn39t eaten anything in eight days Kosmoat(PHOTO: Printscreen/YouTube)

The financial situation of elderly people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is anything but rosy. Many of them live on pensions that are barely enough to survive. Anica Rosnic is one of those retirees. She lives on a pension of around 65 euros.

Anica Rosnic lives in conditions that can hardly be described as humane. She is seriously ill and lives in constant cold because she has nothing to warm her. “They want to cut my power. I don't have money to pay. I could just commit suicide. “I don’t even have money to buy bread”, complains the defenseless elderly woman, almost unable to move.

The situation is so desperate that Anica went eight days without eating.

“My neighbor Admira ended up bringing me pie and bread”, says Anica. She has a son who works as a day laborer to support the family and a seriously ill daughter who lives in Belgrade.

To keep warm, Anica even cut up the sofa and armchair to make a fire. “I wrap myself in blankets and pray for God to take me,” says Anica, adding that there is only insulin in the fridge.

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