Prague student David Kozak left letter confessing to killing baby

Prague student David Kozak left letter confessing to killing baby before mass shooting – The Daily Beast

The student gunman who shot more than a dozen people at a Prague university on December 21 wrote a letter confessing to killing a two-month-old baby and her father just days before the rampage, according to the Czech Republic Police revealed.

David Kozak, who died by suicide after the mass shooting, left the letter at his home in the village of Hostouň, police spokesman Jan Daněk told Czech daily Deník N.

“I can confirm that we recovered a letter in Hostoun in which the perpetrator wrote that he committed the attack on the 32-year-old father and his young daughter,” Daněk said. “The contents of the document cannot be released at this time due to the ongoing investigation into the entire incident.”

Authorities had previously identified 24-year-old Kozak as a suspect in the double murders. Police Chief Martin Vondrasek said they were “very seriously” investigating his involvement in the killings following the mass shooting.

The remains of the two victims, who appeared to have been randomly attacked, were discovered in the Klánovický les National Forest on December 15, less than a week before Kazak killed 14 people and injured 25 at Charles University in central Prague.

Police had received a tip that Kazak had traveled from his hometown to Prague earlier in the day to take his own life, arriving on campus two minutes after the first reports of an active shooter. A large arsenal of weapons and ammunition, believed to have been brought by the shooter, was later discovered in the school's art faculty building where the massacre took place.

Kozak reportedly yelled about how he killed his father that morning after bursting into the building armed with an AR-15. His father's body was later discovered in the shooter's hometown. Police believe he was killed the night before.

Following the tragedy, the worst mass shooting in the country's history, the Czech government declared December 23 a national day of mourning.

“There is absolutely no explanation, no justification for it. “Like many of you, I feel deep sadness and disgust at this incomprehensible and brutal violence,” Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said of the “senseless” attack. “In this dark hour, we should come together and respect each other to show our respect for the victims.”