Pray with faith by Elisabeth Dugas – Thought of the

Pray with faith! by Elisabeth Dugas – Thought of the Day – TopChrétien

Pray with faith!

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She recognized Pierre's voice and, instead of opening the door, ran out of joy to announce that Pierre was at the door.
They told her, “You’re crazy,” but she insisted it was actually true. Then they said, “It is his angel. » Acts 12:14-15

Does it always come naturally to you to pray in faith? Don't be ashamed to admit that sometimes when you pray, you don't really believe that your request will be answered. Like the large group that prayed for the release of the Apostle Peter.

“But Peter continued to knock. They opened the door and were amazed to see him” (Acts 12:16).

Here the biblical example would be more of a counter-example! but note that God in his goodness did not hold it against them; and Peter was able to continue his ministry.

Instead, let us imitate the example of Hannah, mother of the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 1). She is devastated, but she continues to believe in the miracle, and… the miracle happens. Samuel is born, Anne keeps her promise and dedicates him to God. This first child will be followed by a whole series of siblings! The barren woman was blessed in her womb!

If you find it difficult to believe that God can solve your situation, whatever it may be, do what Anne did. Cry before the Lord, pour out your heart and don't give up!

Hannah prayed, “My heart has rejoiced in the LORD; my strength has increased before the LORD. My mouth has been opened against mine enemies, for I have rejoiced in your help” (1 Samuel 2:1).

Listen to the voice of God

Are you not at all convinced that God can and will answer your prayer? Listen to him reassure you about this today.

Praying is easy. Talk to God like you would a close friend who loves you and can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer: “Lord, I ask for your forgiveness, because sometimes I am not really convinced that you can and will act. Please let faith grow in me. I want to see your power at work in me and around me.” Me. Amen!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. What are your recognition topics today (can you list them)? Take the time to thank the Lord for each of them. Bless him also in anticipation of the good things he still has in store for you.

Take action today

So how can you apply what God has told you? To strengthen your faith, reread passages in the Bible where God acted powerfully, sometimes in contradiction to all human wisdom. Encourage your loved ones with your testimony and be encouraged in return!

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you Almighty God, you are the most wonderful, loving father! To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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1702268807 700 Let God surprise you by Elisabeth Dugas – La PenseeThis story, written by Elisabeth's hands, adds dynamism and splendor to her family's life. He takes us from laughter to tears, from the most rudimentary concepts to the philosophy of life…

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