1694434104 Precht and Lanz work on Jan Bohmermann

Precht and Lanz work on Jan Böhmermann

TV colleagues

“For Jan Böhmermann, anyone to the right of the SPD is suspected of being a Nazi,” Precht said in the podcast – after former BSI chairman Schönbohm demanded compensation for pain and suffering, Böhmermann defends broadcast on cybersecurity

ZDF, Christian Bruch

Richard David Precht, Markus Lanz

ZDF, Christian Bruch

Cologne – As reported, Jan Böhmermann and his program “ZDF Magazin Royale” are currently being investigated because of the research methods for the current program on ritual violence, and his program from last October on cybersecurity is also causing a new stir. In it, he made accusations against Arne Schönbohm, the then president of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), who lost his position as president of the BSI after the broadcast. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) justified this with a “disturbed relationship of trust”. Now Schönbohm demands compensation from the broadcaster.

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