Prediction of the week for your sign.webp

Prediction of the week for your sign

Forecast of the week for your sign

with Evelin Campos

Horoscope of the week

02/01/2024 to 08/01/2024

Aries (March 21st to April 20th)

It's time to start implementing your plans for 2024, preferably in the first half of January. Leave some things in the emotional area aside and focus on what you want to achieve. Know that there is still time to step up and earn opportunities, even in the midst of a path that is still unclear. But that was never a problem for you Aries. Fight wisely for success!

Keywords: stability, security, effort and responsibility.

Color: shades of green

Lucky number: 12



Taurus (April 21st to May 20th)

Maybe it's time to position yourself financially, Taurus. If you are looking for financial stability and are internally unsure which decision to make, you should wait, carefully weigh each step and let nothing go unnoticed, and then decide once and for all which path to take in the search have embarked on success. It may be difficult for some, but this time requires flexibility and wisdom to deal with the elements.

Keywords: decisions, paths, choices and skills when dealing with problems.

Color: mint green or light yellow

Lucky number: 2

Gemini (May 21st to June 20th)

Sometimes we have to donate to receive something. Think about how you contribute to your environment to understand what is missing. Many things do not appear in our lives because we are not at the frequency to receive them. So it's up to us to be ready and rethink our decisions and attitudes to see what we are willing to contribute and what we are not. After each storm calms, remember the Gemini.

Keywords: Donate to receive something. Natural flow. Losses and profits.

Color: Purple or lilac.

Lucky number: 06

Cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

Every time we find ourselves in an oppressive situation, we never stop looking at what is captivating us because we are so focused on being “free” that we miss the chance to find out what is captivating us. The secret is not to be unlucky, Cancer. If something bothers you or hurts you, try to face the knots that bind you and begin to untie them with patience, caution and wisdom. Let go of the past because reliving it is just a wear and tear of something that will never return. Maybe the solution is right in front of you, but only those who want to see it can see it.

Keywords: knots of fate, freedom, peace in chaos.

Color: White or Purple.

Lucky number: 08

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

It is time to drink from the cup of abundance and enter a new phase with much light in your heart. Leo trusts in themselves, but when you have someone you can count on, rely on them. It's always good to have allies when we go into battle. This year is the year for Leo to fight and get to know himself like never before. If you are looking for love, you have a chance to find it, but before you do all that, love yourself to the point where you know how to love and be loved. Without it, it's just vanity and doesn't take center stage.

Keywords: abundance, selflove, new paths.

Color: Serenity Blue

Lucky number: 01

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Sometimes carrying everything on our shoulders is a burden we don't want to bear. Often it is out of desire, sometimes out of necessity, but what really matters is not the “wearing” itself, but how you wear it. Is this weight all yours or did you take it from someone else? It's up to you, Virgo, to think about what you've planted to be overloaded, regardless of what you're carrying around. It's nice to see our efforts, they strengthen our inner self, but to what extent? Remember that you are not competing with anyone other than yourself, and if you are not the good guy, be careful not to be the villain in your own story.

Keywords: challenges. Overload. Temporary gains.

Color: beige or brown

Lucky number: 10

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

It's just a matter of getting help every now and then, right? This is even more true when you are laying the foundations of your dreams. That's it, Libra! Tackle everything with your innate wisdom to achieve anything you want. It's okay if you don't have help because you know full well that you can handle everything on your own. It is this trust that Libra gives you throughout the year, to give you more energy in your projects and of course to move towards your happiness step by step.

If you are not on this frequency, you should hurry up because the time you are spending is too precious to neglect. Put aside the insecurities and fight!

Keywords: phases, process, help and step by step.

Color: light green

Lucky number: 03

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 21st)

Your time has come, Scorpio! It is the time to receive and be grateful for the many blessings that life has in store for you. Keep your heart and mind open to the new things that will arise. It is a time full of joy and unforgettable moments. Strive to have good memories of everything you experience in this 2024, because many things will change for the better, and remember that everything we have is thanks to our merits and that now is your time is. Enjoy the surprises to come!

Keywords: Wins, Good News and Bonanzas

Color: yellow, red or rose

Lucky number: 04

Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 21st)

Use the Sagittarius zodiac sign to experience a period of great prosperity and joy. Always stay grounded and remember that there is no evil that lasts forever and no good that never ends. This is a wonderful time to believe in your potential and invest in your projects if you have something in mind. Take it off the paper and get to work! Just because everything is fine now doesn't mean we're relaxing, right? Here's a tip and have fun!

Keywords: Wheel of Fortune, Prosperity and Surprises

Color: White, Purple, Yellow and Blue.

Lucky number: 10

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)

If you have company, it's time to put everything together and put the family's plans into action, if that's what you want. Plan everything carefully and wisely because everything indicates that it will work. Just let it happen. Get to work and know that the consequences will be good for those who put their minds to it. Don't be under any illusions now, because that would be a huge waste of time. Know which seeds you will plant so you know exactly what you want to harvest.

Keywords: plans, family, dreams or illusions

Color: sky blue

Lucky number: 07

Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)

Enjoy Aquarius because the sun is opposite you! When you know what you want, the energies align to make it work, but if you're still in the dark, it's high time to adapt. Watch your every step and think carefully about where you want to step so you don't regret any slipups. Open Aquarius' eyes wide and don't let your ego and pride get in the way of your positions.

Keywords: sun, personal light and success.

Color: Yellow or White.

Lucky number: 19

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Observe whether you are leading yourself or letting life lead you. It's not always good to relax knowing that we have a lot of problems to solve. It is advisable to pause for a moment and think about the steps we are going to follow. This is not the time to ignore the facts, but rather to look at each problem headon and sometimes take it up to solve it in a good way if you want to.

Think, plan and act accordingly! Don't allow the vultures to surround you, think, plan and act without revealing your truth to anyone. What's yours is yours. Talk less so as not to give away your happiness.

Keywords: reflection, transition, calm.

Color: White or Purple.

Lucky number: 06.