Pregnant Cuban migrant would have died in

Pregnant Cuban migrant would have died in Mexico

CubitaNOW editorial team ~ Saturday, October 7, 2023

A Cuban migrant who was pregnant would have died in Mexico as a result of alleged anemia aggravated by malnutrition.

According to reports from El Diario, the woman of Cuban origin was 12 weeks pregnant and died while attempting to enter the United States.

According to the above-mentioned media, the events occurred in the state of Chihuahua, in northern Mexico, and the identity of the migrant and her age are still unknown.

The note assures that the news “was announced by the Secretary General of the Government of Santiago de la Peña based on a report from the State Health Secretariat, a department that has provided medical assistance to more than seven thousand people in mobility situations.”

Meanwhile, he explains that the official commented “that this is a reflection of the humanitarian crisis that exists in Chihuahua given the disorder that exists on the immigration issue, in which the federal government has not acted properly since it allows uncontrolled entry.” to the southern border and the problems in the border strip with the United States are getting worse.”

Hundreds of Cubans continue to arrive in Mexico as part of the mass exodus and the new wave of migration. In recent days there has been a road accident in this country in which at least ten migrants died and more than twenty were injured.

This week, at least 18 more migrants died in a recent traffic accident in Oaxaca.

According to a report by Del Valle Noticias, at least 13 women, two men and three minors died in the tragedy.

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