Pregnant Virginia Fonseca is hospitalized and health status is revealed

Pregnant, Virgínia Fonseca is hospitalized and health status is revealed Baby Mamãe

Digital influencer Virgínia Fonseca, wife of Zé Felipe, is hospitalized, explained what happened

The digital influencer Virginia Fonsecathe singer’s wife Ze Felipe (Son of Leonardo), caused great concern among her fans. The influencer is expecting the couple’s second child. At the moment, celebrities have chosen not to know if the baby is a boy or a girl. The influencer is in the 16th week of pregnancy, which corresponds to four months.

This weekend, the singer gave a presentation in Rio de Janeiro. He traveled to the show with his wife. But Virginia had to interrupt the journey. It turned out that she got severe headaches that didn’t go away. Therefore, the influencer decided to disembark in São Paulo and take some exams.

On social media, the pregnant woman was very transparent with her followers and told everything that happened. “Hey guys, I’ve arrived in São Paulo. My destiny is this. Zé Felipe is going to Rio, there’s a show there. I came here because I’m going to the hospital. One more day,” said the famous. She also revealed that she underwent a series of tests and that everything is fine.

Despite this, the doctors decided to keep her under observation. This is because the headaches she was having have subsided but not completely gone. “I had an ultrasound of the whole body, everything was ok. I just had one done on my skull which really makes it look like I have migraines,” he said. Virginia Fonseca.

The influencer is already being treated with medication, but is still in pain. “I woke up with a lot of headaches…this migraine hit is no joke, you know,” Virginia lamented. She added: “I take medication that makes me sleepy. I can’t stay up long like this. Forgive me for leaving here”.

In the afternoon of this Monday (16th), Zé Felipe left Rio de Janeiro to find his wife. The singer accompanies his beloved to the hospital. Little Maria Alice, aged 11 months, the couple’s firstborn, is being cared for by her maternal grandmother. For a while, Virginia Fonseca not say when will be released.

Digital influencer Virgínia Fonseca, wife of Zé Felipe, told fans what happened

Reproduction Instagram In the hospital, the digital influencer Virgínia Fonseca, wife of Zé Felipe, told what happened

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