1701745121 Prepare the Christmas tree together with his parents Augusto suffers

Prepare the Christmas tree together with his parents: Augusto suffers an electric shock and dies of electrocution at the age of 10

The drama occurred on Thursday in the city of Campo Largo, Brazil. The child’s unconscious body was found by his father: rescue efforts were useless. Augusto died after two days in hospital.

Prepare the Christmas tree together with his parents Augusto suffers

The question was about turning on the lights Christmas It is a moment of joy for every family. But it became an absurd tragedy for the relatives of a 10-year-old Brazilian boy: the little one Augusto Bonato In fact, he suffered an electric shock after a tragic accident that occurred on Thursday evening, November 30, in the city of Campo Largo, in the state of Paraná.

The little boy was found unconscious by his father, who immediately called the emergency services, the paramedics gave Augusto first aid and then urgently transported him to the clinichospital Neighbor. But nothing could be done for the child: Saturday morning is dead in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

According to initial reconstructions, they and the family arranged the Christmas lights for the house strong shock He hit him and provoked him Severe injury. His death shocked the community Big field, southwest of Sao Paulo. The very young man was well known in the city, and the residents were used to seeing him every Sunday at church, where he served as an altar boy

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His sister, Carolina Dalmaz, told local media: “I tried to revive him. I did what I could. I’ve saved a lot of people in my job, and I thought I could save him too.” He was so happy that “you” set thatChristmas tree “No one could have ever imagined what would happen.”

Augusto’s death comes at a time of great sadness for the Bonato family, who had lost the child’s grandfather a few weeks earlier. His uncle Hebert Bonato told local media: “Two weeks ago we lost my father, and now this blow. This is a big shock.”

Augustus was buried yesterday. His mother wrote on social media: “My little boy left us. My heart is torn with great pain. No words can express how I feel. Go your way, go with God, my son. A child who brought nothing but joy and unforgettable moments. I will love you forever.