After apologizing to BBB 24 for his actions towards Davi Brito, Rodriguinho expressed regret for the criticism he made of Yasmin Brunet's body at the beginning of the reality show. The singer stated that he did not remember exactly what he said and that he intended to avoid an offensive conversation about the model. Talitha Morete scolded the former BBB participant.
At Mais Você, Ana Maria Braga's successor reacted this Wednesday (28) to the video in which Nizam Hayek, Lucas Pizane, Vinicius Rodrigues and Rodriguinho commented on the women in the house. The exTravessos was embarrassed. “This is crazy,” he said. “As a woman, it’s hard to hear,” the presenter interrupted.
“You see, it's an unnecessary conversation that you talk about as if it's normal, and it's not. You even said it to Tadeu yesterday.” [Schmidt] who would never judge anyone again, but here you are judging her body. Did you actually forget it when you saw that scene or didn't you want to admit it to her?” Talitha asked.
“That doesn’t absolve anyone of guilt. This is what happened and I would like to apologize profusely to any woman who was offended. Aside from the fact that I have a wife and that’s not relevant, I also have two daughters,” the eliminated man argued.
When this problem started I just wanted to get out of there because Yasmin is beautiful, she is a very dear friend. I actually forgot, I couldn't remember. My speech there was about closing the issue, but I expressed myself poorly.
Rodriguinho even saw scenes where he made fun of Yasmin's binge eating. Although the model joked with the singer about the situation, she later revealed that she was having trouble eating. “I had no idea that she had binge eating, I met her in the game,” defended the Pagodeiro.
“She called me 'old asshole' and I called her 'old greedy one.' It was always a joke, I never felt uncomfortable. The day of the conversation we had.” [sobre o corpo dela]“It was the only time Yasmin really woke up and I noticed she was upset,” Rodriguinho concluded.