President elect promises Javier Milei quotThe reconstruction of Argentinaquot and

President elect, promises Javier Milei "The reconstruction of Argentina" and that "End of decadence"

Javier Milei, just elected president of Argentina, spoke to his supporters this Sunday. “The impoverished caste model is over, today we adopt the model of freedom to become a world power again,” he said.

Argentina’s president-elect, ultra-liberal economist Javier Milei, said in his victory speech on Sunday evening that “today marks the end of decadence” and the “reconstruction of Argentina.”

“It’s a historic evening for Argentina,” Milei told several thousand supporters at his campaign office in Buenos Aires after his big victory with more than 55% of the vote.

“We are facing huge problems”

“The impoverished caste model is over, today we adopt the model of freedom to become a world power again,” he continued. “Today one way of doing politics ends and another begins.”

“We are facing enormous problems: inflation, stagnation, lack of real jobs, insecurity, poverty and misery,” the president-elect listed. “Problems that can only be solved if we turn back to the ideas of freedom.”

“There is no room for gradualism, there is no room for lukewarmness or half-measures,” warned the man who has been advocating shock therapy for an economy exhausted by inflation for two years. Chronic, now at 143% over a year.

He addressed “all Argentines and political leaders, everyone who wants to join the new Argentina,” but also warned of possible social resistance to his reforms.

“We know that there are people who will resist, who want to maintain this system of privilege for some but which impoverishes the majority. I say to them this: Whatever is in the law is lawful, but nothing (that is) outside the law.

Javier Milei will assume the presidency on December 10, succeeding Peronist (center-left) President Alberto Fernandez.

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