President elected, agenda set for China's annual legislative session

BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) — Deputies of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) met in Beijing on Monday for a preparatory meeting to elect the presidium and set the agenda for the second session of the 14th NPC, which is scheduled to begin for Scheduled for Tuesday.

Zhao Leji, Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, chaired the preparatory meeting.

All preparatory work for the annual meeting has been completed, said Zhao.

A 181-member executive board was elected, with Li Hongzhong as general secretary of the NPC session.

The preparatory meeting also approved the agenda for the next meeting:

– Discussing the report on the work of the government;

– Review of the report on the implementation of the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Plan and the 2024 Draft Plan and the 2024 Draft National Economic and Social Development Plan;

– Review of the report on the implementation of the central and local budgets for 2023 and the draft central and local budgets for 2024 and the draft central and local budgets for 2024;

– Discuss the draft law submitted by the APN Standing Committee to evaluate the draft revision of the Organic Law of the State Council;

–Consideration of the work report of the NPC Standing Committee;

–Advising the work report of the Supreme People's Court;

– Advice on the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

The meeting's executive committee met shortly after the conclusion of the preparatory meeting. Among other things, the participants in the Presidium meeting decided on the agenda for the NPC meeting. The APN meetings will take place from March 5th to 11th this year.

Before the preparatory meeting, the Council of Chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee met to prepare the meeting.

Both the Executive Committee meeting and the Presidential Council meeting were chaired by Zhao. End