President Erdogans electoral triumph in the Latin American press TRT

President Erdogan’s electoral triumph in the Latin American press TRT Español

Websites and media in Latin American countries that closely followed the presidential election in Türkiye reported widely on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s electoral success.

Clarion (Argentina) wrote that Erdogan emerged victorious from the second round of elections and that his power had reached a quarter of a century.

The nation (Argentina) stressed that Erdogan’s skills and charisma enabled him to quickly climb the political ladder.

Telesur (Venezuela), one of the most important news portals in Latin America, announced that Erdogan has won every election for 20 years.

Time (Colombia): “Erdogan retains the presidency of Türkiye and stays for another five years.”

telam (News from national agencies in Argentina): Erdogan was re-elected to end a quarter century in power in Turkey.

TO THE (Peruvian News Agency): “Erdogan gets the presidency for another five years and defeats his rival Kılıcdaroglu.”

The universal (Mexico) reported that President Erdogan will rule the country until 2028.

Latin Press (Cuban News Agency) stressed Erdogan’s success in the second ballot and that the president is approaching his third term in Turkey.

ecuavisa (Ecuador) covered Erdogan’s words after the election victory was announced. The portal reported that the results were a failure for the opposition and that the People’s Alliance had succeeded in the parliamentary elections.