“(…) They are three very important works (…) for our brothers,” said Arce during a public event marking the 198th anniversary of this community, which he attended accompanied by Vice President David Choquehuanca.
The dignitary emphasized that the bridge requires an investment of 5.5 million bolivianos ($785,000), will speed up transportation and improve the quality of life of the population.
Other projects carried out, as reported, included the replacement of a group of houses for families affected by flooding in 2021, as well as 76 social houses.
Both residential complexes amounted to a total investment of 9.8 million bolivianos ($1.4 million).
A water system, also delivered, required an outlay of one million Bolivianos (approximately $143,000) and will ensure water resources for the center of the community.
The dignitary announced the construction of a new bridge for the benefit of the population and emphasized that the tiling of the Arque Centro is underway.
“Water is fundamental, it guarantees agricultural production for human and animal consumption, and that is why we call for pushing forward the creation of dams to face the climate crisis and we must prepare for it,” Arce said.
This Tuesday, the Head of State led the commemoration of the 198th anniversary of the Province of Omasuyos, in the Department of La Paz, and delivered a speech in which he highlighted its history of struggle, its productive and cultural vocation, very influential in the development and growth of Bolivia.
“I would like to express my sincerest congratulations and just recognition to the entire Omasuyos Province for their selfless and professional commitment to productive, revolutionary and tourist work,” he said that evening in the municipality of Achacachi.
This jurisdiction was created on January 23, 1826 by Marshal Antonio José de Sucre, who named the municipality of Achacachi as the provincial capital on January 24 of the same year.
The province has a long history of struggle and resistance, since independence, when the people of Omasuyos rebelled against the colonial rule of the Spanish Restorers in 1811.
Arce reported that in Omasuyos province, more than 332 million bolivianos will be invested in various programs and projects, such as the expansion of the milk processing plant in Achacachi and the Agroinsumos Altiplano Norte plant in Huarina, with a production capacity of 20 tons per month. Biopesticides and 240 biofertilizers.