President of Bolivia promotes coffee industrialization

President of Bolivia promotes coffee industrialization

“Joined with our Jilata Vice President, David Choquehuanca, we arrived in the Caranavi community in northern La Paz to implement a major rural electrification project, coffee technology innovation center and multi-purpose shed,” he wrote on his Twitter account. Twitter.

During the course of Saturday, the President laid the foundation for the expansion of a drinking water system and began construction of an industrial coffee processing plant.

Arce, announcing these works, recalled that the national government elected “by the people and for the people” in the 2020 general elections planned its campaign precisely in the municipality of Caranavi.

He said that on one of those days of primary planning, at the request of producers and residents of Caranavi, he promised to improve and expand the drinking water system there and encourage the industrialization of coffee in the area.

In his speech, he described the work being done at the Ministry of Environment and Water jointly with the district mayor’s office as “arduous,” adding that the conditions were in place for construction to begin that would guarantee 24-hour water to the population of the area . .

Regarding the industrialization plant, he stressed that it will be located in Caranavi, since it is the region of the country that produces a coffee that “travels around the world, highly appreciated and respected” for its quality and refinement.

He also explained that this city will benefit from this Saturday with an innovation center in coffee technology, rural electrification and a multifunctional shed, the second in the canton of Rosario-Entre Ríos and the third in the Villa El Carmen school.

He noted that despite all the internal and external difficulties, such as the “attempts at destabilization” and the complicated international context due to the war in Europe, the government is making progress in its administration.

However, he stressed that being in direct contact with Caranavi residents is a boost of strength: “We feel revitalized because we realize that by working for the Bolivian people we are obeying the Bolivian people.”

Arce reiterated that education is a priority for his government and announced more schools would be built and received community projects to that end.

In the morning, the President and Vice President sampled a typical Yungo breakfast, a tradition of this Bolivian region, which is about 150 kilometers north of the city of La Paz, before starting the delivery program for the works.
