President of Bolivia urges reconstruction with social justice

President of Bolivia urges reconstruction with social justice

President of Bolivia Luis Arce reiterated in a message on Christmas Eve that the Bolivian “big family” must continue to work with unity towards economic reconstruction with social justice.

“Let us united and united continue to build our economy on the path of growth with social justice, on the path of dignity and a country free from discrimination, exclusion and all forms of violence, on the path of the good life,” said the state leader .

Arce said Christmas should be an opportunity to mobilize Bolivians “to keep working towards eradicating poverty in its multiple dimensions”.

He urged closing the gaps of social and economic inequalities and strengthening reciprocity, complementarity and solidarity, which at all times “share how much or how little we have”.

Referring to the year that is going to end, he recalled that international organizations such as ECLAC reported that Bolivia is the country that will reduce extreme poverty in the region the most.

“This spurs us on to get even more involved because we have a lot to do,” said the dignitary, who also emphasized that when he took office two years ago, he promised to rebuild the Bolivian economy and get it out of health . political, economic and social crisis in which the de facto government left them in 2020.

“Today I can tell you with great confidence and optimism – he stressed – that we are already moving forward and living in a better country than the one we got in 2020.”

He recalled the effects of Covid-19, a pandemic that has meant very difficult times for Bolivians and that have already been overcome; However, he called for maintaining the necessary due diligence to face the sixth wave of infections from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Regarding the economy, he explained that the highland country has returned to the path of stability and economic growth with social justice thanks to the re-establishment of the Productive Community social economy model.

Arce reiterated that Bolivia’s inflation rate is the lowest in the region and one of the lowest in the world, despite the adverse international context.

He stressed that the industrialization process is advancing with import substitution, agricultural productivity has increased to supply food to markets, and tireless efforts are being made to ensure security with sovereignty in this area.

Arce regretted that in 2022, Bolivians experienced “moments of tension and confrontation and disagreements between sisters and brothers.”

In this regard, he encouraged the population to continue their work and take care of the stability, security and hope achieved after the restoration of the constitutional order.

Latin Press Latin Press