President of the House Rui Barbosa is dismissed after dossier

President of the House Rui Barbosa is dismissed after dossier against Frias

The President of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation, Leticia Dornelles, was exonerated today after presenting a dossier against her former boss Mario Frias, who for two years commanded the Secretariat of Culture.

What happened?

  • Dornelles was exonerated from the home of Rui Barbosa today
  • The dismissal comes nine days after a meeting between her and members of the culture transition group in the forthcoming Lula government
  • At the time, she handed over a dossier against her former boss Mario Frias

At the request of the current National Secretary for Culture, André Porciuncula, The Chief Minister of the Civil House, Ciro Nogueira, published today in the Official Gazette a decree with the resignation of Dornelles.

O UOL contacted Dornelles, Frias and the Culture Secretariat, but received no reply until the report was published.

What is the house of Rui Barbosa?

Located in the neighborhood of Botafogo in Rio, the Casa de Rui Barbosa is considered one of the most important cultural and document preservation institutions in Brazil.

It houses original correspondence from writers such as Carlos Drummond de Andrade, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Clarice Lispector and Manuel Bandeira, as well as the original library of the residence of the jurist who gives the Foundation its name.

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House of Rui Barbosa in Botafogo, Rio

Image: Disclosure

Why was Dornelles exonerated?

Appointed in October 2019 by pastor and deputy Marco FelicianoDornelles had a good relationship with First Minister of Culture Roberto Alvim, who was sacked in January 2020 for allegedly copying Nazi Minister Joseph Goebbels’ speech in an official video.

When Frias took over, tensions between the two began. She complained backstage that she was disrespected by Frias and her cabinet. The contentious relationship lasted until Frias left office in March this year to run for and be elected for the PL, President Jair Bolsonaro’s party, as federal MP for São Paulo.

Despite tensions between Dornelles and Frias, it was expected that she would remain in office until the end of the presidential term on December 31. But the President’s situation became untenable on Monday, December 5th. as she welcomed members of the Culture Transition Group🇧🇷

O UOL spoke to two interlocutors who confirmed what O Globo columnist Lauro Jardim said She delivered a dossier criticizing Frias’ performance🇧🇷

Between 9:00 and 11:00 am, Dornelles met with three members of the culture working group, the Federal MPs Marcelo Calero (PSDRJ), Jandira Feghali (PCdoBRJ) and Tulio Gadelha (RedePE)🇧🇷

Corresponding UOL As it turned out, the working group met with Leandro Jaccoud, the president of the Casa Servants Association, who was tasked with sharing information about the foundation. Upon learning of the group’s presence, Dornelles asked them to visit them at her office.

Due to the appointment of deputies, she decided to go to the group. At the time, Dornelles would have provoked the matter herself by loudly criticizing Frias. Among the complaints, she recounted an alleged disagreement with her former boss when she was the victim of bullying and sabotage on a project she was trying to implement.

According to the report, she would have provided papers with an exchange of emails she had with Frias that would prove her information qualified as a dossier.

According to these interlocutors, Dornelles was known internally for preparing dossiers and taking legal and administrative action against enemies and employees of the foundation. His approach to the culture working group would aim to position himself against the next administration and show that “he is not a true Bolsonarist”.

Who is Leticia Dornelles?

Fear and Dornelle  Disclosure  Disclosure

Dornelles received Michel Temer at Rui Barbosa’s house

Image: Disclosure

Dornelles from Rio Grande do Sul is a journalist, screenwriter, novelist and television writer. At Globo she cowrote the soap operas Por Amor and Andando nas Nuvens. She was appointed Commander of the Casa de Rui Barbosa in 2019 after being appointed by Pastor Marco Feliciano.