American presidential election 2024 A poll gives Trump the winner

Presidential election 2024: According to a poll, Trump is declared the winner with a 4 point lead over Biden

The former Republican president and real estate mogul appears to be the favorite to win against the current head of state in the event of a duel between the two candidates for the 2024 American presidential election.

A return to the White House? Real estate tycoon Donald Trump, President of the United States from 2016 to 2020, is declared the winner in a new CNN poll a year before the American presidential election with a lead of 4 points over current leader Joe Biden.

49% of voting intentions for Trump

The study puts Donald Trump in first place with 49% of voting intentions, compared to 45% of votes for Joe Biden. The current tenant of the White House, who will soon celebrate his 81st birthday, does not appear to be a favorite for re-election.

In detail, voting intentions appear to be very polarized. More than half (51%) of voters believe they will not vote for the Democratic president under any circumstances, while just 4% say they do not support him but will consider a possibility of changing their mind.

Conversely, nearly half (48%) of respondents say they will never vote for the former Republican president, and just 2% say it is possible they will end up voting for him.

Biden below

The trend is not favorable for Joe Biden as several constituencies are struggling. Among those under 35, Barack Obama’s former vice president is well behind Donald Trump in voting intentions (48% versus 47%), and the same is true among independent voters (45% versus 41%).

Even more worrying, only a quarter of Americans believe Joe Biden shows the stamina and grit necessary to be a good president, while more than half (53%) of Americans believe the real estate mogul has these qualities, despite court proceedings for fraud against him.

Even among Democrats, the current head of state is not particularly attractive. Only 51% of voters believe he has the staying power to run for a second term.

The only good news is that Joe Biden remains the heavy favorite among African Americans (73% versus 23% for Trump) and slight favorite among Latinos (50% versus 46% for Republicans).

A low positive opinion rating for Biden

In general, Joe Biden receives no more than 39% favorable opinion and 61% unfavorable opinion. A particularly low level for a president who is running for re-election just one year before the election.

For comparison: Only Jimmy Carter, Democratic president from 1977 to 1981, had a lower positive opinion rate (32%) than Joe Biden at the same time. A bad omen for the octogenarian? It is possible that Jimmy Carter will not be re-elected in the next election.

According to an earlier New York Times poll released on Sunday, Donald Trump is also ahead of Joe Biden in five key US states when the two politicians face each other again in the November 2024 election and the 2020 election.

To do this, the billionaire still has to go through the Republican primaries, in which he is running against five candidates from his camp. Joe Biden, the current president, is strongly expected to represent the Democrats in the presidential election.

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