Presidential election in Turkey Is Erdogan implicated by the obscene

Presidential election in Turkey: Is Erdogan implicated by the obscene slip of the tongue by one of his allies?

split tongue

Updated 5/14/23 at 10:46 AM

During the last session of the presidential campaign, the leader of the Nationalist Action party, a partner of the AKP party, spoke. He took it badly, Devlet Bahceli made a mistake in a word and his words got dirty

When your friends are your worst enemies. Has Devlet Bahceli, 75, leader of the Nationalist Action Party and partner in Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP party, made a slip that will cost the president his re-election? While the Turks and Turks go to the polls this Sunday. On Saturday night, Devlet Bahceli uttered the word “kiss” in its crudest form instead of “shake” at the recent campaign meeting in Antalya.

At the end of his speech, he began, in his always vehement style, to list Western male names allegedly representing the foreign powers he asserted were plotting to overthrow the head of state. “Hans, Sam, Tony, Johnny, Hergel, Frank… Even if they all tried to shake off Recep Tayyip Erdogan…” he began. But it was the verb “kiss,” which differs by just one letter from the Turkish word “shake,” that he finally uttered. Devlet Bahceli, like Edouard Philippe, is a regular at Slips.

A slip that went viral

“Even if everyone tried to fuck Recep Tayyip Erdogan, they would not succeed. “The child of Anatolia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is worth everything,” he pounded. “So if you’re going to vote on Sunday, you should slap Hans, kick Sam, and headbutt someone else. Destroy them and say “Recep Recep Recep” in the elections, he continued.

Video of Sunday’s slip by Devlet Bahceli, an ally of Recep Erdogan in the race for the presidency and parliament, immediately went viral on social media. “Devlet Bahceli has made a great ending befitting the entire campaign of his camp,” Turkish journalist Mirgun Cabas quipped in a tweet.