Preta Gil announces the end of colon cancer treatment ​​G1

Preta Gil announces the end of colon cancer treatment ​​G1

1 of 2 Cantora Preta Gil Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Cantora Preta Gil Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Singer Preta Gil posted this Monday (11) on her Instagram account the end of treatment for colon cancer. Part of her intestinal tract was reconstructed at the SírioLibanês Hospital in the southern zone of São Paulo.

“My cancer treatment ends after reconstructive surgery on my intestinal tract and reversal of the ilestomy! “I am still in the rehabilitation process and will remain under medical treatment for 5 years where I will have my routine followup visits, which is however common practice for cancer patients like me,” he wrote.

“I am very, very, very happy and grateful!!! To everyone who left me a message of affection, to every hug of affection that I received on the street.” And he added: “It was a very difficult, painful year, but with many victories, with a huge one Wave of love that was essential.”

“I say with all my heart and with all the approval of the doctors: I have overcome colon cancer, I have overcome this battle together with the help of God, my orixás, my saints, my love for you, my family and my irrevocable competence.” Doctors.”

According to the artist, she is undergoing rehabilitation with physiotherapy and will be monitored through regular and clinical imaging tests during remission.

The singer took the opportunity to announce a show on February 4th in Rio de Janeiro. “It will be a very special, beautiful show and I want to bring everyone together for this celebration of love and gratitude.”

The recent procedure in São Paulo reversed a temporary ileostomy and reconnected the artist's intestines.

2 of 2 publications by Preta Gil before the operation to reverse a temporary stoma — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks Publications by Preta Gil before the operation to reverse a temporary stoma — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

On several occasions, the singer emphasized how important the bag, which she called “angel,” was to her healing process.

At the end of last month, the singer was admitted to the Sírio Libanês Hospital, but only for preoperative examinations.

“I'm very satisfied. I recovered very well, I healed very well. The doctors were very satisfied with the result. This means we can now carry out the reversal surgery, which will be the final moment of my treatment,” she revealed at the time.

On January 10th, singer Preta Gil was diagnosed with colon cancer.

In an interview with Fantástico, she recalled that the symptoms appeared when she was on an international tour celebrating the life of her father, Gilberto Gil, at the age of 80. “I got sick at two shows. I couldn’t do a show in Berlin and a show in England.”

On August 16, an operation to remove the cancerous tumor was also carried out at the Sírio Libanês Hospital. During the procedure, which lasted more than 14 hours, the singer's uterus was also removed.

After 28 days in hospital, Preta was discharged on medical grounds and temporarily housed in the capital, São Paulo, to facilitate treatment.