preview October 31 2023 Gero cancels the broadcast violent argument

preview October 31, 2023: Gero cancels the broadcast, violent argument between Elena and Tina L’Argomento Quotidiano

The Men’s and Women’s Previews For today, October 31, 2023, they reveal to us that in the next episodes there will be rooms dedicated to the events of Elena and Maurizio, who will come into conflict because of Barbara. Tina, on the other hand, will be at the center of a heated confrontation in the studio with the lady Elena. Gero leaves the showwhile after Manuela’s departure from the show there doesn’t seem to be any new additions, at least for the time being.

Gero leaves the program, clash between Tina Cipollari and Elena

The progress reported by Lorenzo Pugnaloni suggest that the next Men and Women footage will include both the heirs to the throne and the Tronistas, with particular attention to Cristian. Only the Roman Tronista, brought Valentina outside, but he didn’t kiss her. Valeria returned after an absence from the last recording and had a heated discussion with Cristian. Afterwards, Cristian finally decides to dance with him Virginiadisappointing Valentina, which was in the studio. Brando and his admirers are still absent. What will have happened?

However, an unexpected twist occurs in the throne room: Gero left the program and he was absent. Aside from that, Silvio Venturato started an acquaintance with Gabriella, already known to fans of the show. However, things did not turn out as they had hoped, and the knight decided to put an end to their acquaintance. He’ll still think about it Donatella?

Elena and Maurizio: The storm breaks out because of Barbara

The entire episode will be dedicated to them: that Men’s and Women’s Previews Watch as Elena and Maurizio Laudicino are heatedly discussed in the studio over what happened during the previous filming of the Canale 5 show. The reason? During the parade Barbara gave Maurizio a kiss to make sure he had given her a good grade, which triggered Elena’s anger, who didn’t take it well at all. As a result, there will be moments between the two Strong tension in the studioalbeit after a particularly heated confrontation in which he will also take part Barbara De Santi, serenity will return. As always, Maurizio and Elena, nicknamed “the cat and the fox” by Gianni Sperti and Tina Cipollari, made peace and danced together again. However, despite the apparent peace, Tina has doubts and as a result we will see a heated confrontation between her and Elena.

Tina and Elena, heated discussions in the studio

The previews of the talk show show that the next episodes of this edition will not be easy at all Elenawho also have to face one heated argument with Tina. This year, the Lazio commentator seems to have another victim in his sights: in the spoilers for the new episodes of Men and Women, Tina and Elena face off after a fight in the studio, including some pretty important names. It seems so after overcoming the controversies of her sworn opponent Gemma Galgani, the U&D commentator has found a new rival on the show, although this time she seems less forthcoming than Gemma. As mentioned above, we will then see one of the most courted men of the season: Gero Natale, who has decided to leave the show. In addition, no new Tronista will enter the studio in Manuela’s place in the next episodes.

As for the classic throne, U&D’s previews show that There will be no new Tronista to replace Manuela. Currently, the production of the Canale 5 talk show focuses exclusively on Christian And Brando. To follow Men and Women, fans can use platforms such as YouTube and Witty TV, which offer the opportunity to watch episodes and keep up to date with the latest news and previews, even if it is not possible to watch the broadcast live to watch television. The presence on YouTube and Witty TV brings the show closer to viewers wherever they are.