Preview Un Posto al Sole Giulia in search of the

Preview Un Posto al Sole, Giulia in search of the hidden truth

A place in the Sunis the longest-running and most popular soap on Italian television, which, despite its long-running programming, manages to keep you glued to the screen every day Millions of viewers. The reason? The fact that he knows renew continuously and always suggest topics very contemporary. Like the events we will see on air until then Friday, October 13th.

A Place in the Sun, previews until Friday, October 13th

These latest episodes of A place in the Sun They were truly captivating and entertained the audience in every sense of the word breathless. Away Lara which is now appearing more and more frequently out of control. His only goal now is take revenge the dark lady of the soap opera, that is Marina.

Then we saw it too Michele address a topic that is not empty Controversies on the radio, all the time Mariella and instead worried For Sylvia. According to her friend, actually Giancarlo would have had one initiative The doesn’t share.

Because Lara was in danger, Marina was rescued Ida: The two women are now Allies and they must face Lara again, more determined than ever to get back into the life of Roberto. While Michele had to face it consequences of his decisionsalso in conflict with PhilipSilvia has addressed Giancarlo then decides to leave live with him. All of this needs to be dealt with Present From Othello.

UPAS: Preview of the October 13, 2023 episode, Giulia’s Suspicion

Surprising about Lara’s situation is Roberto, who found one Way to get rid of thementered hersurprising offer. At least until she threatens to do so reveal publicly There Truth on the little one Tommy.

And speaking of children, this time is it Jimmy to ask his father Niko From spend more time with the mother Micaela. In the meantime Bice And Alberto They will have to talk about that divorceWhile Guido discovered something special At Jerry.

In the broadcast episode Friday, October 13, 2023We will see viola And Damian meet for first time after they had given themselves up to it dedication. The two must clarify and decide what to do next Future. Also Julia it will be a lot busy. His suspicions about this matter are growing day by day Luca De Santis and I will decide on it to investigate.

Poggi is one now convinced: The doctor is fine with you hide something and she is determined to do it discover What. At the moment it’s actually just his girlfriend Michele is aware of his secret. Luca is a character we have already met in the past. Arrived in the soap after that Death of his wife He was suffering from leukemia and it was only thanks to this that he recovered from his questionable lifestyle Raphael and his then wife Rita.

He had a relationship with Giulia in the past very short But intense love storywith whom his marriage was finally ended Renato. Who knows if the woman will be able to do this now thanks to this previous relationship Understand what torments the doctor.