The price of the BCV dollar is 36.06 bolívars in Venezuela today, Sunday, February 25, 2024, according to the latest update on the official website of theCentral Bank of Venezuela. However, for themexchange rateAt the same time, we are reaching backDolarToday or Dollar Monitorwhich is determined based on the supply/demand ofBolivarsin the country's most important cities.
This adjustment of the official exchange rate reflects the fluctuations that Venezuela is facing due to its current situation, both economic and political due to the numerous sanctions imposed by Venezuela USA to the government of Nicolas Maduro. Check the price and movement of the US dollar on various trading platforms in the country ruled by Nicolás Maduro.
YOU CAN SEE: DolarToday and Dollar Monitor: Price of the parallel dollar TODAY, February 24, in Venezuela
What is the price of the BCV dollar today, Sunday, February 25, 2024, in Venezuela?
HeBCV dollarswas listed36.06 bolivars. The rate represents a weighted average derived from the daily operations of the active trading departments of the participating banking institutions. In this way, the US currency managed to maintain its price for the second day in a row after months of strong fluctuations. As mentioned, it closed 2023 with a 105% increase compared to the previous year, according to the Central Bank of Venezuela.
BCV dollar price TODAY, February 25, 2024. Photo: Twitter / @BCV_ORG_VE
DolarToday price in Venezuela TODAY, Sunday February 25, 2024
The price of the parallel dollar inVenezuelahas been updated in38.53 bolivarsaccording to the latest update fromdollars today.
Find out the price of the dollar in Venezuela, according to Dolartoday for today, February 25, 2024. Photo:
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Dollar Monitor: What is the dollar exchange rate today, February 25, 2024?
HeDollar averageit was founded in the Caribbean countryE.g. 39.08 for every dollar, according to the latest update fromDollar Monitor. This is calculated based on the supply and demand of the US currency.
Watch the dollar today, February 25: Price of the dollar in Venezuela. Photo:
Price of the dollar in Venezuela @EnParaleloVzla3 for TODAY, February 25, 2024
@InParallelVzla3shows an average ofE.g. 38.40for every dollar, according to the latest update.
Price of the dollar in Venezuela today, February 25, according to Monitor Dólar. Photo: Instagram/@EnParaleloVzla3
Tasty Dollar: Dollar Rate TODAY, February 25th
Yummy Dólar, another parallel market portal in Venezuela, shows an exchange rate ofE.g. 36.23.
Tasty dollar: price of the dollar in Venezuela today, February 25. Photo: