Prime Minister again condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon

Prime Minister again condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon

When the Lebanese minister received the commander of the United Nations Interim Force (Unifil), Aroldo Lázaro, at the government palace, he rejected ongoing Israeli violations of national sovereignty.

Mikati called for denouncing at the United Nations the Tel Aviv Armed Forces' violations of the Blue Line and Resolution 1701, adopted by the Security Council on August 11, 2006.

At the same time, the Chief of Staff reiterated Lebanon's continued commitment to UN rules and regulations.

On March 19, 1978, the UN Security Council adopted resolutions 425 and 426, calling on Israel to immediately cease its military action and withdraw its forces from Lebanese territory.

He also decided to create Unifil with three goals: confirm the withdrawal of the Israeli army, restore international peace and security, and assist the Lebanese government in restoring its effective authority in the region.

The mission's first troops arrived on March 23, 1978 and currently numbers around 10,500 blue helmets from 48 countries.

According to experts, Israel has so far violated international resolutions 279 (1970), 28 (1970), 313 (1972), 316 (1972), 332 (1973) and 347 (1974), which called for the immediate withdrawal of its forces from Lebanon territory and the cessation of any military operation against the Levantine nation.

At the same time, the Tel Aviv government ignored Security Council regulations, namely: 498 (1981), 501 (1981), 509 (1982), 517 (1982), 587 (1986), 1559 (2004), 1680 (2006) and 1701 (2006).

Currently, Israel occupies the Lebanese areas of Shebaa Farms, the Kfar Shuba hills, the outskirts of the city of Mari and 13 points on the Blue Line.

The Lebanese state has repeatedly opposed Tel Aviv's use of national skies to attack Syria, saying it posed a danger to commercial aircraft as well as passengers and residents.

Lebanon's foreign ministry will file a complaint with the UN Security Council over persistent Israeli attacks and violations, most recently Tuesday's bombing in a southern suburb of the capital.

The Israeli action killed the deputy head of the political bureau of the Palestinian resistance Hamas, Saleh Al-Arouri, and six other members of the movement.
