Prince William his new astronomical salary for 2022 revealed

Prince William: his new astronomical salary for 2022 revealed

A gift that would have been good for Prince William, who celebrated his 41st birthday on June 21, 2023! Whilst the royal family of England dislike people interfering in their affairs, especially when it comes to money, the British daily saw on Thursday 29 June 2023 how the earnings of King Charles III’s son. were handed out in a public square The Independent. And the least we can say is that Prince William, his wife Kate Middleton and their three children George, Charlotte and Louis are clearly free from hardship.

Prince William is at the helm of an estate that has generated more than 28 million euros in profit

While Kate Middleton’s parents, in turn, had to sell their business because they were in deep debt, the Princess of Wales’ husband has amassed a nice nest egg thanks to earnings from the Duchy of Cornwall. Remember Prince Williams inherited it from his father in September 2022 when Queen Elizabeth II died and Prince Charles took the de facto throne of England. The Duchy of Cornwall, which Prince Charles had already acquired prior to his marriage to Diana, covers almost 52,000 hectares of offices, property and agricultural land and is valued at almost €400 million. In the period 2022-2023 alone, the Duchy generated a record profit of £24.048 million, or more than €28 million.

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Prince William has earned more than 6 million euros

If the year had gone normally, Prince William would have received that €28 million in full. However, since he had only inherited the duchy halfway through the previous year, Prince Harry’s brother could only claim half of that sum. However, since the change occurred in September 2022, the duchy, which was responsible for day-to-day management of the estate, required a portion of that year’s surplus to be withheld. So Prince William “only” won £5.9 million, or €6.87 million… It doesn’t matter! But next year, the heir to the throne could well receive more than 28 million euros. A more than comfortable sum, which, however, in view of the colossal fortune of his father Charles III. appears to be negligible: According to estimates, these assets should amount to 2 billion euros.