You will make great progress in your professional activity. On the affective level, your sensitivity will be greatly emphasized and the slightest friction will make you withdraw into yourself. Avoid spending more than is comfortable.
Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer
O Cancer It is the fourth sign of the zodiac. His element is water, as are Scorpio and Pisces.
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in love, the Cancers are sensitive, pleasant, loyal when they really fall in love and are always ready to receive any token of affection. Familiar and conservative, they are a perfect match for zodiac signs that seek emotional stability. A Cancer in love is affection in its purest form and tends to overidealize their partner.
The Cancer personality is an almost perfect match for Virgo and Taurus, which can make for a very fruitful relationship. On the other hand, they also get along well with Capricorn, Scorpio or Pisces, their two water companions.
Signature date: 21.06. until 22.07
Guardian Angel: leaving
Tip of the day / lucky numbers: 27576697509553
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