Projects selected on International Mother Language Day in Madrid

Projects selected on International Mother Language Day in Madrid

The proposals were selected from Mexico, Panama, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Ecuador and will be presented in a virtual forum this week.

IberCultura Viva and Ibermemoria Sonora, Photographic and Audiovisual Cultural Cooperation Programs promoted by Segib, promote the 16 projects that focus on preserving, visualizing and promoting the use of the indigenous languages ​​of the region.

The winners emerged from the $16,500 call “Cenzontle: a window for the native languages ​​of Ibero-America.”

Their work is aimed at processes of preservation, registration, research, dissemination, education, management or evaluation of the native languages ​​of Iberoamerica.

The Secretary of Ibero-American Cooperation, Lorena Larios, emphasized that this is the case

Programs are vital and both their work at the community level and their projection help to visualize and promote the region's rich indigenous culture.

Books, songs, dictionaries and audiovisual resources will largely be the tools used by communities.

As an example, a Mexican initiative stands out that seeks to integrate the gender perspective in the indigenous languages ​​of Tojolabal, Tseltal and Tsotsil by creating and integrating terms such as “justice”, “feminism” or “stereotype” into their vocabulary.

Another idea is promoting a dictionary to strengthen and revitalize Peru's native languages, while from Chile a community is promoting a Mapuche phonetic archive.
