1700172786 Prostate cancer a very rare disease in young people

Prostate cancer: a very rare disease in young people

Only 1% of prostate cancer cases in Canada affect men under the age of 50, but unfortunately the disease is usually more virulent in this group.

• Also read: Prostate cancer survivor: “Get tested, people,” pleads Régis Labeaume

The Canadian Cancer Society predicts that there will be 25,900 new cases of prostate cancer in the country in 2023 and 4,900 men will die from it.

“Only 300 cases affect men under 50,” says Dr. Paul Perrotte, urologist at CHUM.

Karl Tremblay of the Cowboys Fringants, who died at the age of 47, is therefore not a typical case of a victim of this disease.

“In general, younger people are affected more virulently. Prostate cancer has few symptoms. If it is discovered in a young person, it is because it is at an advanced stage,” explains Dr. Perrotte.


The doctor recommends screening starting at age 50, “or at age 40 if there is a history in the family.”

Africans and their descendants (African Americans or from the Caribbean) are slightly more at risk and should also be examined earlier, says the specialist.

The dashing cowboys


“Prostate cancer is a silent killer. But it can also be cured very well. The survival rate after five years is 91%, which is very good,” emphasizes the doctor.

As a rule, it is men over 65 who suffer from it. And if 20% die from it, many die from another cause, even if they have prostate cancer.

The most common symptom is difficulty urinating. Two screening methods are used: the blood test to carry out the prostate-specific antigen test (PSA) and the digital rectal examination.

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the patient’s age and his choice.

“In cases detected very early, active observation may be the best solution” because the cancer grows slowly,” explains Mr. Perrotte.

The example of women

For the urologist, one just has to wait for well-known personalities like Karl Tremblay to suffer misfortune and prostate cancer to become an issue.

“It’s important to talk about it, not just when there’s important news. The last time this was discussed so much was when Jack Layton (the leader of the NDP) died. It has to be recognized early,” he says.

“We also need to be inspired by women and the 50-year breast cancer movement and support research,” concludes Paul Perrotte.