Prostitution hotels Ex prostitute remembers sleeping with 20 men in one

Prostitution hotels: Ex-prostitute remembers sleeping with 20 men in one night

A former prostitute described how she was forced to sleep with 20 men on her first night at a prostitution hotel in Queens, USA.

“The worst night of my life,” said the woman, using the pseudonym Kika Certa, a Venezuelan who came straight from Caracas believing she could live with the family of the man she was in love with, the New York Post reported.

“I couldn’t tell who. They just arrived one by one,” she explained. Each man paid $35 (about $48) for the night.

Certa said she recently decided to speak out about her past as a prostitute in the early 1990s after hearing New York Mayor Eric Adams say that new migrants from Venezuela were fueling the sex trade in Corona.

“She [ces hôtels] are still there, she added. So if these places still exist, it’s because there are still women who are forced to become prostitutes.”

Certa had studied accounting in her home country and was working at a Hilton hotel when she fell in love with a man named Daniel, she recalled.

Daniel introduced Certa to his cousin Sandra, who offered him a place to stay in New York. However, when Certa arrived at the airport, the cousin took her money and passport.

A few weeks later, after banning Certa from going out, Sandra explained to him that her cousin Daniel owed her a lot of money and that she [Certa] had to repay it by prostituting herself.

“When she took me there she said, ‘She’s a new girl, she’s fresh, she’s only 20 years old,'” Certa said.

Certa was taken to a room. Every time someone knocked on the door and it opened, a different man was there. Certa slept with Sandra during the day and was taken to various prostitution hotels at night.

“I had no spirit left, no soul left,” she added.

Certa eventually demanded her passport and agreed to pay Sandra much more than she owed to buy her freedom.