Protest in Berlin against Ukraines arming against Russia draws thousands

Protest in Berlin against Ukraine’s arming against Russia draws thousands –

BERLIN, Feb 25 (Portal) – A demonstration against supplying Ukraine with weapons for the war with Russia drew 10,000 people on Saturday, drawing criticism from senior German government officials and a heavy police presence to maintain order.

The protest, organized by a prominent German left-wing politician, comes a day after the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in which Western allies pledged more weapons, new sanctions against Russia and worldwide displays of support for Kiev.

“We call on the German chancellor to stop the escalation of arms deliveries. Now! … Because every lost day costs up to 1,000 more human lives – and brings us closer to a third world war,” the organizers of the protest said on their website.

The “uprising for peace” was co-organized by Sahra Wagenknecht, a member of the Left Party.

Alongside the USA, Germany is one of the largest arms suppliers to Ukraine.

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“Negotiate, don’t escalate,” read a protester’s sign, while a banner in the crowd read “Not our war.”

A police spokesman said 10,000 people had gathered around Germany’s iconic Brandenburg Gate in central Berlin.

Police mobilized 1,400 officers to keep the peace and enforce bans on military uniforms, Russian and Soviet flags, Russian military songs and right-wing symbols.

The police spokesman said there was no sign of far-right groups taking part and that the protest, which German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said had to be “clearly rejected”, had been peaceful.

“Anyone who doesn’t stand by Ukraine is on the wrong side of history,” Lindner said on Twitter.

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