Psychiatrist Explains Cara de Sapatos Panic Attack at BBB23

Psychiatrist Explains Cara de Sapatos Panic Attack at BBB23

Fighter Antônio Cara de Sapato, imprisoned in the BBB23 house, endured a very difficult night last Tuesday (17/01) after having a panic attack. Locked up for a few days, the pressure and stress of the game could affect the athlete, who had to be reassured by his lockedup colleague, doctor Amanda Meirelles, during the episode. The LeoDias column spoke to psychiatrist Saulo Vito Ciasca to understand how it develops and how anxiety and panic disorders are treated.

“Panic disorder or syndrome is a condition in which the person has recurrent, sudden, sudden panic attacks and these attacks create disruption, sociooccupational harm, and problems for that person. Because attacks are very common, the person may become afraid of new attacks and start avoiding situations where they might have another attack. For example, she is in a carriage and she has a panic attack in that carriage, then she is afraid to ride the train again or to ride in that carriage,” explained Saulo Vito.

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“Panic attacks are intense anxiety attacks that cause heart palpitations, tremors, and a feeling of great discomfort. There are people who have the feeling that death is near and are afraid of going insane. There are some dissociative images, these are images that arise when the person begins to feel that everything within them is closing or that the floor is opening up a feeling of free fall. That’s the whole panic attack that lasts between 15 and 30 minutes and goes away the way it came,” the psychiatrist added.

According to the expert, the diagnosis of an anxiety or panic syndrome can occur in any age group, but it most often begins in adolescence and is more common between the ages of 20 and 30 and 40 and 50. Like any other mental disorder, anyone can have it.


For Saulo Vito, patients with panic disorder can trigger a crisis because of triggers, but the situation can also happen suddenly. “Often when a person is in an anxiety state and they add more and more anxiety, they can go into a panic attack, in the sense that that anxious energy has to drain somewhere. For example, if the person doesn’t want to be in a very closed place anymore and stays in a closed place and starts hyperventilating, they may have a panic attack.”

“There are seizures that come out of the blue, they don’t come like, ‘This happened, so I got scared.’ Since it comes out of nowhere, there are people who end up in the hospital thinking they’re having a heart attack, thinking they feel sick, think they’re going to die, that something else is happening in their body and the person gets scared ‘ he illustrated.


The doctor also said that there are treatments for the disease, which can be through medication or psychotherapy sessions.

“The treatment of panic disorder is part pharmacological and part nonpharmacological. Nonpharmacological therapy consists of psychotherapy; We recommend cognitive behavioral therapy a lot for panic because there is a lot of interesting evidence of legal outcomes. But any psychotherapeutic process can be very interesting for panic. In the pharmacological part, we use some drugs to reduce anxiety, these are drugs that stabilize some brain pathways, some neurotransmitter pathways, in this stabilization we manage to reduce anxiety and help the person with panic attacks,” said.

“There is treatment, you need to see a psychiatrist to make sure it’s really a panic attack. To be sure, we must first examine the heart and see if there is another problem causing these symptoms. Once the organic causes have been eliminated, it is time to diagnose a panic disorder,” concludes the specialist.

Panic attack at BBB23

Taking to social media, the athlete’s team explained that this isn’t the first time he’s had a panic attack and thanked his sister, Amanda Meirelles, for helping his companion during the episode. In the edition of the show shown on Wednesday evening (18), the broadcaster showed the moment when Amanda tried to calm down her brother.

“For those who don’t know, Antônio, our Shoe Guy, has Panic Syndrome and has already raised this issue in interviews and on other occasions. One of the moments that worried him the most was the very time to sleep, the moment when he felt more fearful that a crisis might happen. We’re talking about an anxiety crisis, it’s not the same as being anxious. If you feel these symptoms when you have these problems, seek medical help and don’t go through it alone. How lucky for us that the doctor was there right away. And then the doctor was a GREAT FRIEND. No words to thank Amanda,” wrote the athlete team.

Stay indoors!

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