“Put him to bed”

Put him to bed

Okay, foxtrot and figure tango, but do you want to put the barbs in front of the judges’ table? Dancing with the Stars, which will be broadcast on Rai 1 on Friday December 2, does not deny itself after the poisons of the week: Selvaggia Lucarelli also clashed with Carolyn Smith and Iva Zanicchi after the argument with Guillermo Mariotto and a new curtain.

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Ligonchio’s eagle was summoned to dance alongside a fake Samuel Peron, an inflatable doll. Lucarelli comments, “You gave Gabriel Garko a cane with a broken arm while you gave Iva a dancer?” he said, in reference to what was decided by the production for the actor’s injury.

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The occasion for Zanicchi is too tasty not to make fun of the inflatable doll: “Put him to bed, maybe it will work!” he suggested to Selvaggia. The joke provoked the hilarity of the judges, including Lucarelli, with Zanicchi admitting he may have exaggerated: “The general manager is in the front row, he passed out”.