1650940962 Putin also congratulates Macron on his re election In front

Putin also congratulates Macron on his re election. In front of him Zelensky: “A true friend…

Closed (for the time being) the internal game, e.g Emmanuel Macron the international front is now opening again. And above all the interrupted dialogue process between Ukraine and Russia. For this reason, the message from Wladimir Putin to the President of the French Republic. The very sparse text reads: “I sincerely wish you success in your public action, as well as health and prosperity,” Putin wrote. The first well-wisher was the President of Ukraine Voldymyr Zelenskyy. Who tweeted shortly after the election results were announced on the evening of April 24: “Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron, a true friend of Ukraine “. And he added: “I wish him new successes for the good of the French people. I appreciate your support and am convinced that together we will move towards new common victories. Towards a strong and united Europe”.

Macron re-elected in France: “New era, but I know I have to respond to the country's anger.  Grateful to those who voted for me to block the far right.

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Macron re-elected in France: “New era, but I know I have to respond to the country’s anger. Grateful to those who voted for me to block the far right.

Macron had continued from the start of his mediation, during France’s EU presidency Need for dialogue with neighboring Russia. And he had tried to keep a gap open. Even if it’s close and closed increase the tension At the time, the Russian President in particular had more than once denied any intention to open up after telephone conversations with his French counterpart. However, the latest signal from the newly re-elected French President came on the eve of the election: in an interview with some newspapers (Corriere della sera among them), he stated that we “must insist on talking to Putin, even if he is battered very badly , even if it is sometimes ineffective to prepare for peace”. Otherwise “Non-Europeans will create peace in Europe”. He then reiterated that the diplomatic strategy must be to “keep sending arms to help Ukrainians as much as possible” but “keep a red line, that is do not engage in co-warfare“. And “talk to our partners in the Gulf, in India, in China to avoid one fracture of the world“.

France, Macron re-elected with 58% of the vote.  Le Pen at 41: right-wing extremism not so strong since 1958.  Mélenchon:

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France, Macron re-elected with 58% of the vote. Le Pen at 41: right-wing extremism not so strong since 1958. Mélenchon: “An Ocean of Abstinence”

Macron’s role is played by Putin and Zelenskyy, but also by the entire European leadership. The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz He was the first foreign leader to call President Emmanuel Macron. “Chancellor and President Macron have reaffirmed their intention to continue the close and trusting relationship between Germany and France, even in the face of current challenges such as the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine,” said Scholz’s office that Scholz and Macron decided to “so to meet as soon as possible”.

Then there are dozens Messages from EU leaders for Macron’s re-election. “A warm ‘Bravo’, dear Emmanuel Macron,” he wrote on Twitter Karl Michael, President of the EU Council. “In these troubled times we need a solid Europe and a France fully committed to a more sovereign and strategic EU. We can count on France for another 5 years”. The President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen Shortly after taking office: “Dear Emmanuel Macron, all my congratulations on your re-election as President of the Republic,” he wrote on Twitter. “I look forward to continuing our excellent collaboration. Together we will move France and Europe forward”. The compliments from the US President arrived during the night Joe Biden, and said her two countries will continue to work together to “defend democracy.” “I look forward to continuing our close cooperation, particularly to support Ukraine, defend democracy and fight climate change,” Biden tweeted, calling France a “key partners“.

The ambassador Pietro BenassiPermanent Representative of Italy to the EU, celebrated the result of the French vote and tied it to the election victory Robert Glob in Slovenia. “Yesterday’s vote gives us two countries that intend to continue on the path of European integration,” he said. “For those who believe in Europe, and we are many and I certainly believe it, yesterday was a day that gives us many positive indications and a lot of hope in a difficult moment. There is an essential need for personalities and countries who believe in the integration process. Yesterday tells us that the process is ongoing and we are very happy that it is.”

Finally for the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson “Macron’s re-election is very important”, also because it guarantees continuity with a leadership that Western allies can “count on” in the face of international political problems such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “It is not correct to comment on the elections of a friendly country – BoJo said – but I can emphasize how very, very important is the fact that we have been able to work closely with Emmanuel in Ukraine over the past few months. And that we share a common perspective on the vital value of Western and NATO unity in confronting Putin.